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Author Topic: Playing out of Your Comfort Zone (A lefties version)  (Read 637 times)


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Playing out of Your Comfort Zone (A lefties version)
« on: April 11, 2005, 07:36:32 AM »
Yes I’m a lefty and I know how much easier we have it. Just ask any right-hander, they’ll tell ya!

Most of the time I do play the lanes fairly straight or with a very small hook. That’s the way most houses are setup were I play, but this weekend was different. I just finished the Missouri State tournament and both of the houses were polar opposites of each other.

On Saturday the lanes were “tight” to my standards. If you grabbed at the bottom of your swing or tugged it you paid the price. There was an OB outside of 8 so anyone trying the old THS shot would find the gutter or watch the ball slide behind the headpin. Lanes were synthetic. You could instantly tell who the THS players were and the ones who weren’t. The lanes setup to my style and I shot just above my average with the exception of my second game in singles. Won 3 of 8 brackets and second place in two.

Second day, different house with wood lanes. Bowled the second squad but they re-oiled the lanes in between. Heard the lanes were “dry” from the other bowlers. Thought oh well should be easy, WRONG. We had about ten minutes of practice for 10 players. Everything I threw was going brooklyn, I mean everything. If you tried to go outside of 5 you ran into an OB. Now remember lefty here! My comfort zone is anywhere from 12 – 3 but no matter what I tried or the ball I couldn’t get it to stay on the left-hand side of the rack.

So my first game I struggled and shot a 193. Every strike I had was on the right. I was lost, confused, and embarrassed. I felt I was letting my team down. Now since there wasn’t any other “wrongsiders” (bones) on the lanes I watched where all of the righties were throwing (the ones scoring). Their shot was 20 or 22 at the arrows out to about 10. So in pure desperation I decided to MOVE INSIDE. What, a lefty playing inside? That’s just unheard of.

So I took my weakest ball (Too Hot) stood on 30 threw across 17 to 10 and Boom! Solid strike. Hmmmm. Second frame same result. Was actually weird watching the ball take its path to the pins. That line is how I normally  pickup a 7 pin. Now my brain is fighting my body. It is saying “don’t throw it there, throw it up the boards!” I pulled a shot and was lucky enough to not get a split. Each time I stood on the approach I told myself not to grabbed at the bottom and to “fan” it out to 10. Needless to say I scored very well. Shot a high 6 even with that poor first game.

The point of the story. I made a move I wasn’t used too or even one I practiced and it worked. I fought the lanes the first game trying to stay inside my comfort zone and turned a poor game into a pretty good series and was the high series on my team. Entered 10 brackets and won 9.

So when faced with a difficult shot don’t be afraid to try something new. I did and now my confidence is high because I know I can play that line if the lanes let me. We lefties have it so easy.

Edited on 4/11/2005 3:33 PM
(Airborne Army 1SG all the way)


Mr Lefty

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Re: Playing out of Your Comfort Zone (A lefties version)
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2005, 03:52:25 PM »
actually for me its the opposite....cause with the way i throw the ball...playing the inside line is my comfort zone which is an odd thing cause im a lefty...but im sorta forced to play the inside line cause they dont heavily oil the lanes on the house that i play on so they get broken down pretty easily and youd have to start moving in....and considering my current arselan being the triple extreme, ace, and high rev i have no choice but to play the inside line...definitely a harder shot than playing up the boards cause of the fact that there are a lot more things you have to think about...its an experience that all lefties should have in my opinion to know how it is how the other side of the lane plays the game....
"bowlers and thier balls are like women and thier shoes...never question how many they've got"


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Re: Playing out of Your Comfort Zone (A lefties version)
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2005, 10:50:53 PM »
In some ways I think this is the dumbest post put by lefties ever!

I actually believe that the guys who wrote it may be righties!

As a lefty who has only bowled a few years I have seen shots where I am forced to play up 5, shots where I can play 20 to 10, shots where the wet dry forces me to play 15 to 3, shots where I have to point say 7 at the arrows and 11 at the breakpoint.

There hasn't been one shot I actually say I have been uncomfortable on.
It just depends on if the backend is there.

No different than a spare on some of those lines!

Probably one of the easiest shots for me is 17 to 10 with OB outside of 10.  Sort of a WTC or PBA proam type setup.

My observation is this "easy shot" above is almost always there for the righties or if it isn't it pops up!  Sweet.

Playing inside for lefties....easy!


PS also one of my favorites is "Oh there are a bunch of lefties on the pair tonight you guys are really gonna struggle" ....RIGHT!  IT happened one night we had 4 lefties on our team two regulars and two subs.  The shot started out sweet near straight down the boards near 9.  Then it got real sweet.  We wiped em out as we started to be able to step right and fling left, Yahoo.  One of our highest scores of the year, they are still trying to forget this and will probably say the same dumb thing if we ever showed up with this team again.
PPS the ignorance of the righties regarding lefties is amazing.  The converse is not true.  I'll tell a righty when I think he has a tough shot!  The righties they will blissfully observe a 30 pin differential between the top righty and top lefty in a league and proclaim it is the rightie stars superior skill.  When that fair to lefties tourney shows up out of town and lefty wipes em out.....Well that was the lanes!  

Don't play in to these games!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Playing out of Your Comfort Zone (A lefties version)
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2005, 02:18:22 AM »
Luckylefty: I loved your PS in this thread about lefties struggling if there are more of them on a pair of lanes than righties. I bowl in a Monday night 5 man industrial league where there can be 6 or 7 lefties out of the 10 on the pair, and we all have different ways of attacking the lanes. Some will play deep inside and swing out to 5, others will play hard and fast off the gutter, whatever we can do to make things work. Yes, we have to make adjustments but the better lefties will continue to score well from game to game.

I guess I've always been comfortable playing deeper inside if I have to as well as playing the normal second arrow and out shot- the one I'm learning to perform more (with the help of my coach) is a 20 to outside 5 line, as my stroker tendencies make this difficult to accomplish while still retaining enough pop at the pindeck.
