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Author Topic: need a little help with my game  (Read 698 times)


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need a little help with my game
« on: March 20, 2004, 05:31:41 PM »
The problem I have is that I never slide, I just stop. I always have, for about 30 years now, plant and release.  It has started being more of an issue because of the need  to throw harder than in the past.  When I have to keep ball speed up, I find my left leg(I am RH) starts to ache,  first the knee begins getting sore and then the quad, if I need to bowl more than 3 games.  I feel like if I could somehow CHANGE MY GAME AND BEGIN SLIDING, I could alleviate this problem..any advice?  By the way, I have been 200 avg for 15 years or so, multiple honor scores etc. so my game is decent.  I am a stroker and I love my new uranium....I have thrown 3 3 game series with it so far and have shot 686-646-656....and in all 3 of these series, I have started with games in the 260 range and ended in the 180 range.  I am throwing hard, for me, and gettign tired and sore. thanks in advance.
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Re: need a little help with my game
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2004, 09:07:34 AM »
IMHO, I think the best thing you could do is get a few lessons from a local pro as this is a very integral part of the game.
 Also,it might help the rest of us if you could describe your approach now. Is it a 4 or 5 step approach now? Fast or slow? Where do you begin your approach in relation to the dots?



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Re: need a little help with my game
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2004, 09:20:09 AM »
I have a 5 step approach.  I generally have my right foot on the dots halfway up, just under the ball of my foot.  I used to be about 6 inches further back, but I was leaving way too many 10 pins, I tried getting a little closer and it seems to have worked, I leave about half as many as I used to.  I also will let you know that I tend to finish a little far from the foul line. I never had that prblem untill  recently.  sometimes i finish my shot and look down and am surprise to be 2 - 3 feet form the foul line, I am not sure why I started doing that or when, exactly.
any day bowling is a good day

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Re: need a little help with my game
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2004, 09:45:42 AM »
Try to focus on what you do with your left foot as you push off with your right foot on the 2nd to last step.  If you're raising your foot off the floor and bringing it back down like you're wearing tennis shoes, then you aren't going to slide, and you're putting a lot of strain on your left hip and leg.

If you want to slide, then focus on sliding.  I'm sorry if that sounds stupid, but face it, you know how to slide.  Push off on your right foot, and slide!

If you're doing that, and you're sticking on the approach, then that's a whole different story.  Put a sock over your left shoe, or use the slipperiest sole you have, if you have shoes with interchangeable soles, or bowl in your stocking feet in practice, whatever you need to do to get some extra slide.

Concentrate on that pushoff step, and you should be able to figure out what's wrong.

Also, if you find yourself having to throw the ball harder to keep it online in the 3rd game, think about switching to a less aggressive ball, or moving farther inside, rather than throwing it harder.  If your lanes dry up as fast as ours do, then the ball that works best at the beginning of the set, is not the right ball for the end of the set.
Cogito ergo bowl

Edited on 3/21/2004 10:41 AM


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Re: need a little help with my game
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2004, 05:47:31 PM »
Bones is on the money when he states, knee bend. Additionally however your center of gravity needs to move forward on top of your knee as well. Typically, bowlers who plant move there center of gravity back behind there feet in the approach prior to the final step.  Bowlers that deliver while sliding maintain thier center of gravity squarely over there feet throughout the entire approach. Additionally, I have found it helpfull for others to develop slides by telling them to walk and slide on the balls of the feet. Push into your slide with only the balls of your slide foot on the approach (heel up). This will be sure that your center of gravity is over your foot, you have a good knee bend to raise your heel.  I might finally add, that balance will become an issue in this change. TO combat this, be sure yout right leg kicks WAY left and not straight back as most planters do as well. As bones said, it will take some time but it is doable in a summer.
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