As I understand it, the new Blue Dots are NOT just like the White Dots. More like the relationship between pearls and solids, the pearls being less elastic, not harder, a Blue Dot is designed to also skid further than the White Dot, although they are the same hardness.
(NOTE: the information in the above paragraph was learned from Columbia300 when they were in SanAntonio, TX, before Ebonite bought them. I cannot say the situation remains the same with the acquisition.)
That said, I also use an original Blue Dot. When it deteriorates to the same point as yours, I fully intend to buy a Storm Ice Storm. It is not expensive and it is hard and it is good looking.
FYI Viz-a-Balls are also very hard, if a trifle expensive. A friend has had a Coca-Cola viz-a-ball for 5+ years now. Someone gave it to him. It looks terrible with all the use it gets, but skids a country-mile. I suspect they are 90 hardness but don''t know for sure. I DO know you can''t sand them. It takes the color off them completely. They turn white or they are white under the color pattern. If you find one cheap, it might be a good spare ball.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
Edited on 11/3/2009 8:53 PM