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Author Topic: Need Advice  (Read 1149 times)


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Need Advice
« on: September 01, 2003, 09:14:30 AM »
Hi guys my name is sean....ive been bowling for 6 years and this past season I learned how to throw a hook ball. My avg. is only 126 and I never am happy with my scores, just recently I bought the brunswick inferno in hopes that the ball can jack up my scores. last year i used the columbia wild ball. Do you think that this is the right ball for me??? I'm not expecting like a 200 avg. or anything but i would atleast like to throw and avg. somwhere in the 150 range. This might be a big hook ball for me but one of my friends brought the x-factor and he was a 110, he throws 150 now and has hit 600 scratch. thanks alot.

Edited on 9/2/2003 0:25 AM



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Re: Need Advice
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2003, 05:36:04 AM »
I personally don't have an Inferno myself, but I know lots of people who do and they love it. Its not gonna hook like an x-factor, but if you learn to throw it right and practice it should be a good ball for you. I take it you have it drilled fingertip? If not you need to do that and take some lessons or have good bowlers help you out. I started bowling a hook about 4 yrs ago and I struggled a lot at first, but I just kept practicing and got as much help as I could. I can tell you though that your scores probably won't jump up drastically at first, and that you shouldn't expect to gain 40 pins like your friend just because of a new ball. Take your time, practice, get advise or coaching and it will come.


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Re: Need Advice
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2003, 10:08:20 AM »
Thanks for the help everybody, my local pro shop does give lessons so i will definitley seek them. btw i did drill it with fingertips.thanks again.