1. Polished - Usually means more length (more skid) and this usually results in more backend hook since the hook phase was delayed. This can be either good or bad depending on the bowler (style, ball speed) and lane conditions. Bad, if the ball skids past the breakpoint. Also can result in more over/under ball reaction. Good if it helps your style to get to your breakpoint or for lighter oil conditions. Think hockey stick reaction.
Matte - usually means a bit earlier ball reaction and usually more predictable, controllable. Can result in ball hooking too early for some bowlers or lane conditions. Think more of an arc reaction. )
2. Since I am not using any of the listed balls, I will leave that for others.
3. Storm Crossroad - have you tried to remove the oil from the ball and resurfacing?
As far as my reply to #1 above, it may not be entirely or fully correct, so others may correct me. (Charlest, perhaps?)