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Author Topic: Need Flood and Medium Ball...  (Read 1357 times)


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Need Flood and Medium Ball...
« on: July 17, 2004, 09:55:22 AM »
I kinda need a flood and a medium ball. My fear factor died, so there goes my heavy oil ball, and I was expecting my phase, polished, and drilled for lenghth and less hook, to be a medium ball, but it still outhooks all my other balls (but is squirty on flood!)

Here are some balls I was think of for a Heavy/Flood Condition

Alter Ego
Triumph TNT
Primal Instinct
Ultimate Inferno

I would really like to stick to this list of balls though, unlike my last thread on this.

Here are some medium balls I have looked at even though I have not done as much research on this as the flood ball. This ball cannot be anywhere close to the edge of med-heavy. Becuase of my style, I get my balls to hook more than most other people

Zone Classic (I think this one might hook too much!)
Thing Returns
Element Au79 (I think this one might hook to much!)
Show Time Pearl
Switch Blade
Uranium Buzzsaw
Super Sonic
Crunch Time

I am not very familiar with visionary or lanemasters, so please feel free to enlighten me about these balls, or any others that you think I forgot.

Thanks, again!
Maelstrom's quote of the week:

Its pretty sad when you girlfiend uses a heavier house ball than you.

Edited on 7/18/2004 0:54 AM



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Re: Need Flood and Medium Ball...
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2004, 01:00:11 AM »
Knock off the wired, uranium and au79 from your medium list unless you tame the drillings have all 3 all hook alot. Also have ego and thing returns both good choices as would be a sheer havoc from track or an apocalypse from roto but these probably hook too much also.


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Re: Need Flood and Medium Ball...
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2004, 01:15:23 AM »
i put a lot of revs on the ball and picked a depth charge and already have a 300 under my belt awesome medium ball. i would look into an animal untamed or even a phenom unleashed for heavy if you put any hand in the ball.
Scott Merritt
Storm Regional Pro Staff


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Re: Need Flood and Medium Ball...
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2004, 01:19:21 AM »
Don't take this the wrong way, but looking at your profile, your money would be better spent on some quality lessons, a new plastic spare ball, and a lot of practice. Take all that money you didn't waste on balls you don't really need YET and take your girlfriend out to dinner a few times.


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Re: Need Flood and Medium Ball...
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2004, 01:26:04 AM »
i would look into a flash point or flash force from storm depending on what type of medium ball you want (flash point is longer, a little snappier, flash force is a little earlier and stronger). i personally prefer the flash point as i have higher revs and my balls usually start up earlier.
For heavy oil, the best ball i have ever run across is the amf angle evolution tour, if you can still get your hands on one. another good choice that would also last you longer due to a more durable coverstock would be the visionary midnight scorcher. This ball is much harder to drill then the angle, so that is why i prefer the angle. both will be hard to find, but worth it.
I have also heard good things about the mayhem, but i personally have never thrown it. also another very drilling sensitive core.


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Re: Need Flood and Medium Ball...
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2004, 01:30:29 AM »
Don't take this the wrong way, but looking at your profile, your money would be better spent on some quality lessons, a new plastic spare ball, and a lot of practice. Take all that money you didn't waste on balls you don't really need YET and take your girlfriend out to dinner a few times.

Good point about the coaching, but I am getting a good amuont of it aleady. I am going to my coach every two weeks plus a bowling clinic that focuses on different aspects every month (approximately). And I do have a plastic ball, it is a glow storm, but I don't find I have much need for it since I am able to radically adjust my hook on the ball if I want to use my Trauma ER or LRG. I have done this for so long that I am actually very consistand at accuracy with this. Or I can just use the flame for a straighter approach.

And the reason I need a heavy oil ball more than anything is becuase when the new season starts, the bowling alley I will be bowling at puts a TON of oil on the lanes, and very frequently at that. A medium ball would also be good, though not as urgent, becuase on the travel league, I encounter many conditions, most of which where a medium ball would be perfect, but is what I don't have.
Maelstrom's quote of the week:

Its pretty sad when you girlfiend uses a heavier house ball than you.


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Re: Need Flood and Medium Ball...
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2004, 01:44:57 AM »
To MrBowlingNut: I completely forgot about the Sheer Havoc and the Apocalypse.

To Twister: I am very iffy about the Depth Charge as a medium ball, I just think that the cover bieng fairly aggressive and the core bieng quite aggressive that is would make a bigger hooking ball than that. Maybe I should do some more research...

To Stanski: I already tried the Flash Point and did not match up well with it, plus it was too agressive for me for medium lanes. A solid version of it though (flash force), I am just really not sure. I know nothing about the Angle Evolution Tour, but have heard of it, and I did forget about the midnight scorcher.

Thanks Everyone!!!!
Maelstrom's quote of the week:

Its pretty sad when you girlfiend uses a heavier house ball than you.


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Re: Need Flood and Medium Ball...
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2004, 02:27:46 AM »
ya i just read your profile and realized that you had already tried a flash point. My recomendation since that is too strong would be a blazing inferno, since that is a weaker pearl reactive. It is a hit or miss ball with some people though, you may want to try something from the monster line from brunswick like the bruiser or slayr.


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Re: Need Flood and Medium Ball...
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2004, 10:26:46 PM »
I am prety sure on the heavy oil ball I want now, but the medium ball that I am really leaning twords is the Zone Classic, but I do not know how aggressive it is. I do think this ball might be too much ball, but am not completely sure. Could someone please inform me on the aggressivness of the Zone Classic.

If that ball is too much, the other balls for my main choice would most likely be the Ego.
Maelstrom's quote of the week:

Its pretty sad when you girlfiend uses a heavier house ball than you.