[I know this is a topic beaten to death ,but i really need some unbiased opinions(advice) I had been out of bowling for a long time and started back up last yr i had been using old urethane Columbia wine Udot and was not getting any results...bought a motiv thrash and wow way to strong for me and where i bowl pretty dry house and i dont throw as hard as i used too...now looking at stoem tropical line breeze or heat,ebonite cyclone,roto grip either the new shout or rising star ot the hammer vibe linee i dont like to throw real skid snap prefer a more arc into pocket any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated i throw abot 13mph and medium revs
One thing you may not realize, may not even occur to you is that today many surfaces on balls are either just a "suggestion" from the manufacturer or what their marketing people think will look best on the shelf. These day many,many people don't give a 2nd thought to changing the surface, especially since there are so many release variations and such a wide variety of oil patterns.
The Thrash comes with what is considered today to be a very aggressive surface finish, 1000 grit. AS you probably don't have a spinner or the associated equipment, you should feel free to ask the pro shop where you had the ball drilled to adjust the coverstock to 2000, 3000 or 4000 grit, each of which is smoother than the previous one and will get you more length and less overall hook. Most pro shops included free surface adjustments for the one time or the life of the ball. Any decent shop should be able to do such a change in a very short time, unless they are back up on Saturday afternoon.
Until you have tried a couple of surface adjustments (a couple of smoother grit levels and then, if necessary, polish), my suggestion is don't even consider another ball. The Thrash is a very good ball and capable of a lot. Learn what is possible with it, then proceed to others. That are a ton of balls out there. No need to try a new one, when the first doesn't work the first time.