I use one. I notice no difference in my rev rate. I do notice my fingers are in much better shape. Reason I started wearing one was primarily because the back of my hand sweats and I needed something to wick the moisture away.
Best thing to do is order them in bulk off eBay. Depending on which model you get, you'll use them anywhere from 1-3 months each, depending on how many times you bowl, and that can get expensive. The ones made of real cabretta leather are better than the synthetics, because the synthetics are typically just a thin layer of grippy material affixed to a cotton or cotton-poly cloth glove underneath. When the synthetic stuff wears off, it's like bowling with a cotton sock on your fingers and you'll be throwing the ball backwards into the parking lot if you're not careful.
If you use inserts, prepare to go up 1-3 sizes. I went from 3 and 23 to 13 and 25.