I've looked for the answer to this question and can't find any literature on it and my bowling alley doesn't know their butt from a hole in the ground and I called the Phone Number that's on the ABC Award Form but couldn't get an answer, so I'm wondering if any of you that have shot honor scores might know what I need to do?
I know that if you shoot say 2-800's or 2-300's or 2-299's in the same year, that you only get one ring... but how does that run (meaning, is it January to January... March to March... August to August... December to December... etc...)

Somebody told me that you could actually shoot 2-300's or 2-800's in the same week and still get 2 rings as long as the 1st one came BEFORE the deadline and the 2nd one came AFTER the deadline. For example if the deadline was December 7, and you shot one on the 5th and then one on the 8th then you would get 2 rings instead of just 1 ring... is that true???
If that's true, then what date is that deadline on?
I shot 800 on August 14, 2003 and then shot 803 about 6 months later on February 4, 2004. So can I get another ring or do I have to get something like a Plaque for my 2nd one? I think the Plaques are like $45.00 aren't they?