Why not battle it with technology.
I think it would be a good idea to implement a permanent friction pattern.
This system would use a coating system that would require reapplication once a year or so.
It really would not be difficult to have a machine designed to apply the coating either. Just convert an oil machine to have a spray bar with varying sizes of spray nozzles across a spray bar instead of wicks or pads. The Machine would need to have the nozzles sit slighty above the lane surface and would work like a big automated paint spray gun. Using the machines linear speed to taper off the coating as it progresses down the lane like the current machines do now.
ProsNo recert of lanes required other than once per application, the USBC could regulate the friction by controlling the mixture of the coating, make only one spray bar to regulate the ratio between the 20 and 1 boards. No carrydown, no more oil getting on the pinsetters, pins, etc to cause undesirable game delays.
Less need for adjusting. Joe bowler can't take his 100 grit sponge and burn a wall. Particles would have to go bye bye or go to soft particle only.
ConsYou would not be able to change the pattern without stripping the coating off, other than adding oil on top of the coating which might not be bad other than all modified shots would play like a FLOOD, but then again you would only need apply oil to the outside to flatten the pattern to make it tougher which would save the bowling alley propietors money on oil. Less need for adjusting.
Particles would have to go bye bye or go to soft particle only.
It would take some time to implement this system because many houses just don't have the money to go out and buy the machine right away, the cost of the machine should be able to be kept low though because there would be much less technology required in it versus a high end oil machine since you only need to be able to control the linear speed and not the number of lateral boards covered.
Edit:Machines could be bought by the bigger houses that can afford them and rented out to the centers that can't since thet would only be needed for a day or so.
Post your opinion.
www.Bowling-Info.comBR.com's unofficial FAQ sectionEdited on 4/30/2005 1:51 PM