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Author Topic: Need help, my game just went down the tubes  (Read 1536 times)


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Need help, my game just went down the tubes
« on: August 03, 2004, 07:47:25 PM »
My bowling experience is as follows.  Worked in alley about 10 years ago, working on pin setters and taking care of the lanes.  Was taught how to bowl with hook but Ive always used a 14 lb plastic alley ball, whatever felt the best.  Was averaging in 190's.  Stopped bowling for years and now Im back into it after a couple of months.  Gotten my average up into the 170's and thought it was time to buy a ball.  Picked up a 15lb Storm Depth Charger drilled with a fingertip hold.  The thing hooks so much in the backend I had no idea where to stand or aim.  I bowled 2 games last night and couldnt break a 75.  Im somewhat depressed about my purchase but I guess I have to get used to the ball.  I know once I can get that thing in the pocket, the pin action will be awesome.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks.



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Re: Need help, my game just went down the tubes
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2004, 11:01:43 AM »
Hang in there!
This may sound stupid, I am a lefty myself by nature, swtiched to right hand.
Local guy ruled the ranks in ave. for more than 9 years. Lanes got synthetic, balls got different. (he's lefty, been bowling since I met him back in 72)
He only bowls one night a week but can't get his ave. any higher than before with the switch in newer technology.

Things will get better with practice. I've been in and out of bowling for the past 30 years. Off to have babies, off for other reasons. Coming back takes some effort. Norm for me, it takes a year to get back, then next I'm 11 pins or more higher. Persistence is the key for me. (i'm highly unco-ordinated)

Hope someone has good advice for ya.

I'd gladly be your cheerleader .......... go guy go!! You can do it!!!

Could you be trying to hard to relive the past good games? Might sound weird. Trying too hard is my worst enememy.

Hubby is opposite. Had his highest ave of his entire life when he came back after a year off for chemo!! Go figure!!!!! When he came back, he did it to fill in for son's team who lost a member, bowling lost it's thrill for him while he was away from it. was getting to the point he felt he accompolished all his personal goals in the sport and had enough.
Kathy, From PA!
Big mouth, loves to talk.
I wish I knew as much about bowling as my son.
He's not a bragger but mom sure loves to share his good times!


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Re: Need help, my game just went down the tubes
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2004, 11:07:26 AM »
Do you have a lot of hand on your ball? How are your lane conditions? If you were able to get a plastic house ball to hook, u must have a lot of hand, or are bowling on old wood lanes. My suggestion is to not try to hook the ball as much, throw faster, and if neither works, switch down to a lower end reactive. The Storm Barbed Wire is a good choice, Brunswick Power Groove, etc.


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Re: Need help, my game just went down the tubes
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2004, 12:39:29 PM »
try getting a lesson from the local pro.. Sounds like a quick, down and dirty "basics" lesson is what you need right now.

I quit for 11 1/2 years - stopped when the black hammer first came out. Came back in 1995, and the first new ball I bought was a firestorm... Quite a change. There are STILL some gaps in my knowledge of the "new" equipment.
All things are difficult
before they are easy.
---- Thomas Fuller
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Re: Need help, my game just went down the tubes
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2004, 01:38:24 PM »
How is the ball drilled in the respect of were the pin and cg are located that may also have alot to do with why the ball is hooking off the lane.  If is drilled with the pin near the fingers and the CG swung out it will go long but then hook like a son of a.  Also the Depth Charge is a pretty strong ball anyway, and with the .055 diff and it being a pearl ball it will get some big backend.  You have a number of things you can do, again one thing (if you can do it) is find a coach, or if the ball is drilled to skid/flip you may want to get it plugged and redrilled, or you could get you a different ball that is tamer ex. Storm Hot Rod, Hot Wire, Visionary Slate Blue Gargoyle, Ebonite Ice just to name a few.  I am a high rev player and used to think tons of hook was the best thing in the world, then I came to my sinces and found myself in a simular situation to you.  I worked on taking my hand out of the ball and drilling my balls tamer.  Hope some of this helps.
I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander out where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...

Edited on 8/4/2004 1:33 PM

Edited on 8/4/2004 1:34 PM


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Re: Need help, my game just went down the tubes
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2004, 02:24:45 PM »
Interesting points you all bring.  I really appreciate it. Im going to throw a couple of games tonight and Im going to work on not hooking the ball as much.  I'll try the had position like the Captain suggests.  I hope I dont have to get involved with redrilling.  Im going to get my drill specs tonight from the pro shop just so I know what they are.  Thanks again.