For the last several years, I have had a mass growing at the base of my right (bowling) thumb. Recently, it started to hit the nerve when I bowled causing a great deal of pain. I went to a hand specialist on Thursday who said it had to come out. He ordered the MRI and scheduled surgery for yesterday.
During the pre-op visit at the hospital, I asked him what the MRI showed. He said the radioligist called it 'bowler's thumb'. No kidding, I googled it! I had a bunch of scar tissue that had built up over the years that was now pinching the nerve. He said it is caused by having too small a thumb hole and pressure on the thumb right before you release the ball. I found that interesting because I always have the holes drilled a little big so I need at least one piece of tape. That way I can adjust for swelling. I asked him if it may have been caused my having too big of a hole and gripping the ball too tight. He said it was possible.
Has anyone out there had this? Did you have surgery, and if so, how long was the recovery. I'm wondering if I should reduce the size of my thumb hole so I don't grip so tightly and if I need a pitch change? He mentioned some device I could use to help with this. Is anyone familiar with that?
Any thoughts from anyone would be appreciated.