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Author Topic: need help spare shooting, missing the easy ones  (Read 1717 times)


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need help spare shooting, missing the easy ones
« on: February 18, 2004, 10:44:50 AM »
I bought a white dot over a month ago for spare shooting. At first I wasn't doing that good trying to throw the ball straight at the pins and my average fell 20+ pins.

The last 2 weeks I have gotten a lot better at throwing straight at my spares but am still missing more than I would like to.

I can pick off the corner pins no problem. 7's and 10's are pretty easy to me, and 6-10's, and 4-7's.  3-6-10's are pretty easy too, and 3-10 I pick up all the time.

Its those spares that are in the middle i have trouble picking up. Like a single 5-pin spare shot, 1-2 spare shot, a 2-4-5 spare shot, 1-3-6 spare shot, etc.

I think sometimes i am not lined up right before i throw, sometimes I just find it hard to roll the ball straight cause i have been hooking the ball at spares for so long.

what should I do?


Kid Jete

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Re: need help spare shooting, missing the easy ones
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2004, 01:48:14 AM »
throw your strike ball for the 1-2 and for other middle pins just move over a few boards and throw your strike ball again.


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Re: need help spare shooting, missing the easy ones
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2004, 08:39:46 AM »
I agree completely, any combination of the 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, or 9 I use my strike ball.  If you know the oil pattern at all, you should be able to make the adjustment to either intentionally crossover or intentionally go light to carry all sides.
"Here we go folks, he is working off the first 8, and looking good.  Looks good on the approach.... OH NO, its off his ankle and down the gutter!!  OHH THE HUMANITY!"

Darrell Guzman
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Re: need help spare shooting, missing the easy ones
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2004, 08:50:35 AM »
I only throw plastic at the 4-7, 6-10 or combos of them except for double wood, where the 8 and 9 would be involved.

Everything else is the strike ball w/ the following method...

Right handed:
Anything RIGHT of the head pin is a 3 board move to the right based upon my 10 pin conversion mark. For instance...if I'm standing 35 w/ my left foot for the 10 pin...the 6 pin would be 32, 3 would be 29. Combos, like the 6-10 would be 1/2 of the move for the 6 pin, so only 1.5 right.  The 3-6-10 being a 4.5 board move. The 6 pin being a 3 board move the 3 being 6, so split that....

Anything LEFT of the head pin is a 3 board move right from your STRIKE shot starting point. So, the 7 is 9 right, 4 is 6, the 2 is 3....etc.....same for combos as above......

All I know is that it works!  My spare shooting has gone WAY up!!
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Edited on 2/19/2004 9:48 AM


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Re: need help spare shooting, missing the easy ones
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2004, 09:11:53 AM »
Plastic?  What's plastic?
The only thing I use plastic for is to buy the bowling balls

I use my strike ball for all of my spares even ten pins.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
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Re: need help spare shooting, missing the easy ones
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2004, 09:25:13 AM »
I also throw my plastic ball at all of my spares
except stacked lumber.

I find it easier to throw straight at the pin if
I am not lined up straight in front of it.  Every
spare I throw is somewhat cross alley.  What I mean
by this is if I was to be throwing at the head pin which
is on board 20.  I would not line up and try to throw
straight down the 20th board.  I would move over and
throw over 13-14th board straight at the pin.  Using
this method has worked for me for years. Like everything
else spare shooting takes practice.  Sometimes when
I go in for a practice session I will only take my spare
ball and leave my aggressive stuff at home and throw
only at spares the whole time.



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Re: need help spare shooting, missing the easy ones
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2004, 09:30:01 AM »
I throw plastic at it all.

consistent results everywhere.

you say you pick the corners off then you have a great starting point.

using the 4th arrow as target for right side spares:

10 pin  --- initial starting point and base of all right side spares approx 35.
6  pin  --- 3 boards right
3  pin  --- 6 boards right
9  pin  --- 7 boards right*
8  pin  --- 9 boards right*
5  pin  --- 11 boards right*
6,10 pins - 1.5 boards right
3,6,10 pins 5.5 boards right

LEFT side single pins/combo as above are inversed. using 4th or 3rd arrow.

buckets and double woods are treated like single pin spares basically.

if you leave a 4/8 or a bucket, line up for a 4 pin  your ball will deflect some or none depending on how you throw. it's a matter of feel. so you may may have to move 1 board to the right or left. but one you learn your adjustments off the basic chart. you are set.

the only spares I miss are the one where I miss the target.

the nasty 3,6,9,10. I make this almost all the time. what I do is use a plastic ball, big suprise. I line up at it like I need a strike shot and play like its a pocket. I slow my ball down, hit it. and line up usually 15 aim at the 2nd arrow. if I miss I keep going right if I need to throw at it again.

* may need to adjust a board one way or another depending on comfort.

at first my spare shooting tanked. but now I getting  to the point where I hardly miss a single any 1 or 2 pin spare. I have missed a few buckets due to missing my mark.

that is the thing with plastic. you have about 2 boards to play with and that is it. you miss the ball misses. no if's,ands or but's.

Stick with it and have practice sessions with only your spare ball. you will improve.
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-- William Munny
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
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Re: need help spare shooting, missing the easy ones
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2004, 10:51:24 AM »
Sometimes single pins get missed because the thrower is not as aggressive as he/she was when they threw their strike ball. ALWAYS stay aggressive, especially when you threw a good shot but a robbery occured (the 5 pin).
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Re: need help spare shooting, missing the easy ones
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2004, 10:52:43 AM »
The high average bowlers are a lot more accurate and can therefore use plastic for all spares successfully. We on the other hand have lower averages because we are inconsistent.  I adjust my strike ball for all the middle section spares because it gives me margin for error.  If I miss it on the right I can catch it on the left.  If I tried to throw it straight I'd be chopping a lot.  The plastic works well for me for the corner sections only.  Works for me.

Edited on 2/19/2004 11:54 AM


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Re: need help spare shooting, missing the easy ones
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2004, 11:01:03 AM »
usually on a 3-6-9-10 I will use my strike ball

I guess  mainly i was wanting to know was how to line myself up properly.

If I am shooting for a 5-pin, I stand to the right and throw. I tried standing directly in front of it and shooting straight but that was even worse results for me. I guess everthing is cross alley in a way.

I have noticed that throwing straight there isa higher margin for error. Miss the board you needed to hit to pick up the spare and you might miss.


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Re: need help spare shooting, missing the easy ones
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2004, 11:03:18 AM »

If I am shooting for a 5-pin, I stand to the right and throw. I tried standing directly in front of it and shooting straight but that was even worse results for me. I guess everthing is cross alley in a way.

On the occassion that a the single 5 pin is standing after an errant shot, I throw my strike ball from my strike line!
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