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Author Topic: Need Help with....  (Read 1262 times)


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Need Help with....
« on: October 31, 2004, 10:48:48 AM »
I need help developing a good mental game. I visited with my coach yesterday and he says my physical game has gotten very good. The scores I have thrown show that much, but I am having a hard time breaking through. Two weeks in a row I have shot high 600 series, both times with a chance for my first 700. But, I manage to psych myself out and screw it up. Aside from that, I just wanna be ready for when I bowl some tournaments in the coming months. How do I develop a good mental game and is there online literature I can read to help me out??
I just close my eyes and throw the ball



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Re: Need Help with....
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2004, 09:21:46 PM »
A good book that I have been reading this week to help with my mental game is: Body Mind Mastery by Dan Millman. One of the areas he talks about that you may need to focus more on is the tension you feel as you know you are closing in on a high series. The author suggests that you deliberately tense your whole body as tightly as you can for 3 to 5 seconds while holding your breath, then gently shake your body. Next,stand tall, as if your head was suspended from space by a string, and breathe slowly, deeply and evenly from your lower belly. Maybe this will help you relax a little more going into each frame. If you can throw the strikes and spares in games one and two you have to have that same confidence to do this in game three. Remember what it took to get you there and achieve things one frame at a time.



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Re: Need Help with....
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2004, 09:58:51 PM »
Personally, my mental game's "core" comes from the pre-shot visualization procedures I do during my pre-shot routine. Before even picking up my ball on the ball return, I would have already seen what I would like to do on the lane. It is a picture that is a vivid one. I would see where the ball would be at a certain point of the lane, yet I have not yet picked up a ball from the ball return.

I think that the visualization of what will be going on out on the lane should be determined before you are even walking up to the ball return to pick up a ball and step up on the approach, etc, etc.... I feel that the part where you are picking up a ball and stepping up on the approach is when "play" has already resumed- not just when you actually set up on the approach and make that first step/pushaway. If you are at the ball return, and then pick up your ball, and then wait to visualize the shot, I think it is too late. The fact that you have a ball in your hand or staying near the playing surface creates some kind of extra tension- it causes you to rush your thought process, I think.

You have to remember: visualization for shots goes for every shot you make during the day- even spares. This may be a little more time consuming when bowling leagues our tournaments, but in my own experiences, it works.

I usually don't practice a lot on the lanes anymore like I used to. However, I do practice my mental game at home. I turn off the TV, Stereo, computer, etc., etc., and then create images in my head (including ones that have pressure situations, etc). Then after creating the scenarios and images, I would then visualize how I would make "the attack". This creates experience without experience. I've been doing this kind of practice now in the past months since August (after a bad performance in Las Vegas) and my performances at tournaments have been much better as of late.

This is just a bit of what I do and I loveeee to talk about the mental game. If you wanna talk some more about it, message me on AOL or through here.
-Jeremy Vitug

It is YOU who decides what happens on the lane.

Edited on 10/31/2004 11:00 PM

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Need Help with....
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2004, 10:42:50 PM »

If you have not had a 700 yet odds are that you think about what you need in the 3rd game to get that first 700.

As you step up to the ball return for each shot think that all you want to do is make a quality shot (on or VERY close to your mark). Do not focus on scores, or what you will have if you strike out. As someone mentioned develope a pre shot routine and do it EVERY time before you throw a ball.

Focus one ball at a time. I know it is very cliche, but that is the only thing you can do. Worry about your set after the end of the final game.

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Re: Need Help with....
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2004, 04:18:24 AM »
Hey Rock,

I agree with Eddie and Ex, simplify it.  The more you think about something, the more you can over complicate it as well.  Question, are you throwing bad shots in the 3rd game because you're nervous or thinking about it too much?  Or have the lanes transitioned and you're not making the right moves?  Executing and scoring are 2 different things these days, you can execute and not score but you can also just play the lanes correctly and score without having to execute to 100%.  Just curious which you were going thru or which you are actually trying to achieve....

Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: Need Help with....
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2004, 08:38:27 AM »
Thanks a bunch so far everyone.

Rick, to answer your question, I dont think its making a bad shot or bad shots, but rather being a bit more cautious on my shot making when I am nearing a big series.

For example, last Friday night I shoot 675. Ok, I was 451 going into the 3rd game. Seeing that, I knew I had to shoot 249 or better to go 700+. Well, I started the game going X 9/ X X X X.  Going into the seventh frame already I started thinking about shooting 280 and going 731 for the night. Well, I only struck once after that sixth frame but spared my way to a 224 and a 675. I guess I need to do as most of you are saying and focus on one frame at a time and learn to visualize my shots.
I just close my eyes and throw the ball


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Re: Need Help with....
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2004, 10:42:45 AM »
Focused on bowling by Dr. Dean Hinitz is a good read. Some people can look ahead when they know what they need but most do better to just break things down to the simplest form. 1 shot at a time. I personally never know what i need or shoot to the exact pin. It tends to keep me more mentally stable and less pressing because, "I need this strike or that count". Lots of good tips in above posters answers. Good luck