OK y'all. Is there really room in any semi-serious bowler's arsenal for old urethane/soft plastic stuff?
Reason I ask... There is a Black Knight, a Blue Knight, a Red Hammer and Blue Pearl Hammer on Ebay right now. I'm thinking of getting one or two of them. The Knights are still low priced with less than a day left and I'm partial to Columbia stuff.
I guess my mortal fear is that a collector will get them and never drill them, and they'll be lost forever, so to speak. At least if I get one or two of them, if I never drill them I'd give them to someone who would. I come into contact with a lot of people that would like to get started bowling and this old, cheaper stuff is perfect to start someone on.
And again, if any of you "good" bowlers came across a ball like this, say it was given to you, could you find use for it? I'm expecially wondering if anyone would use a Red Hammer or one of the Knights.
Opinions appreciated, although I've probably started an argument!