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Author Topic: Need other lefties help  (Read 773 times)


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Need other lefties help
« on: March 09, 2009, 03:11:46 AM »
Alright guys,
Can any of you lefties give me some insight on your experience bowling on the shark pattern?  What did you use and where did you play?  I know that it'll play differently on the different surfaces.  We'll be on wood.  I've never thrown on it and will be doing it this weekend.

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Re: Need other lefties help
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2009, 11:50:24 AM »
my best reaction was with a t-road solid playing the inside part of the lane. swinging 15 at the arrows to about 10 down lane. T-road was pin under bridge cg kicked with a x hole low.


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Re: Need other lefties help
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2009, 12:01:07 PM »
Anything with teeth thrown with slow speed at around 17 at the arrows to 13 at the break point.  The ball should preferentially have a low pin placement (below the fingers) and your index finger should be spread as far as is comfortable for added leverage and turn.

Good luck.  Shark pattern is my least favorite, but it seems to be the one that pops up the most frequently whenever I bowl a PBA event.  I did cash the first time I played this pattern, though.


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Edited on 3/9/2009 1:25 PM

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Re: Need other lefties help
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2009, 12:06:10 PM »
Well I have played on the pattern twice and saw a measurable amount of success playing them two ways. First, check the wear of the lanes. If the tendency of the lanes is to be more worn in the track and left of the track then try there. Vice versa for the inside of the lanes. I would ask someone who mormally plays in the house, where does the optimal carry normally play in the center and go from there. Their advice will kind of give you an idea where the lanes tend break down first. But definitely try the 15-10 area as forementioned but also see what they give you 5 and out. If you are proficient with playing 2-3-4 boards, I would try out there also. By it being wood, I would definitely try the extreme left and see what you get. Hope this helps and good bowling this weekend.
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Re: Need other lefties help
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2009, 02:48:17 PM »
i would play straight up the 5 board.

just my .02
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Re: Need other lefties help
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2009, 02:50:23 PM »
I like to move my feet further inside around the 20-25 board and play with my break point at 10 and go pretty straight.
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Re: Need other lefties help
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2009, 07:00:45 PM »
Shark is a very tough mental opponent.

The first piece of information I like to give to anyone bowling on tough conditions is Bowling is about knocking over the most pins, not hooking your ball gutter to gutter to impress, don't worry if you ball doesn't hook alot because all you want is the most pins!

Step one....SLOW DOWN, don't think you can throw your regular speed.

The second and most critical step is to have the right surface prep, many think they need a 200 grit rough surface to get any wiggle on the lanes. But the trick is to have nothing lower than 800, when you apply too much surface you won't be able to have any speed control and will get an inconsistent reaction. I recommend using Resurrection, it will finish the ball at 800 sheen, an aggressive but mild surface. 800 to 1000 is where you want to be.

The third step is play deep, there is no way you can play up ten no matter how much surface. Shoot 20 to 15 or 25 to 20

The fourth step is to generate the revs with more hand action, and find the best rev to speed ratio.

The final step and probably the MOST important step is clean your bowling ball every shot, YES EVERY SHOT! and don't clean it with a dry towel, use a cleaner, a dry towel will only push the oil around the surface. Of course I have to recommend our cleaner, Remedy RX, it's a great cleaner for heavy oil and leaves the ball super tacky so you can better read the dry. As long as you clean your ball with something, your going to see better results and be able to repeat shots easier.

Practice makes perfect!

makers of Snake Oil, Remedy RX & Resurrection

Edited on 3/9/2009 7:01 PM


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Re: Need other lefties help
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2009, 08:40:36 AM »
thank you for all your helpful posts. I will try everything you suggested in my practice session friday.

Becoming a father isn't difficult, But it's very difficult to be a father.

10/21/05 Kaitlyn Emily and  02/01/07 Meghan Alexis, Daddy's little girls!

R.I.P Kevin Trombley 11/26/05 You were taken too soon!

Visionary Test Staff Member 07/08
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