The problem about looking at a lane graph and seeing that the pattern doesn't have a lot of oil on the lane, in terms of volume, probably won't tell you as much as seeing the surface it self and playing the lane as it is right there and then.
You have to remember the lane surface in reno is about 8 years old, and is the Brunswick Anvilane brand surface. That surface plays so slick (because it is so smooth), that a 35' pattern, lets say PBA pattern E, will play a lot tighter than it would on the AMF HPL surface or wood surface.
What I am saying is... bring your stuff with you. If you have a wide variety of equipment, bring it to the tournament and make sure you take it out of the bag at the right time. You only have a few frames to make it happen. Good luck in Reno.
-Jeremy Vitug
"Guys, guys, guys... listen. I have a fever... and the only prescription is more cowbell!"