That's cool haha, I'm enjoying the debate. Yeah it's REALLY hard to know who to trust because everybody is an expert. There's a guy that lives around here that's on staff with Brunswick, and everytime he gets asked about a ball or how it's drilled, he says he just throws them and to come talk to us. So not everybody that throws them good knows anything about them, but sometimes people who aren't the greatest bowlers have a lot of knowledge and are good coaches.
It sounds like your daughter is at least out of the beginning stage. For younger kids, I'll always point them towards the lower end stuff. For older kids, even if they're still beginners, I'll recommend something more mid range. Just with the extra strength and coordination that age brings, older kids have the potential to become better faster. Older kids also tend to develop and learn at the same time, but there's only a limited amount that younger kids will actually learn, most of the time you have to try to develop coordination first with them. Without seeing her bowl, it's tough, but I'd recommend something like a Hyroad, Venom Toxin, Eruption Pro, Melee, etc, things of that nature. If numbers are your thing, stay around 2.50 on the rg, and around .030 on the differential. Even though these will change after drilling, they still give you an idea what the ball is designed to do. Should give her something relatively smooth and controllable.
Thanks for your input Gizmo. I am not trying to start an argument. I am trying to understand. I live in area where there is not a lot of knowledge in this sport. I get conflicting information all the time.
My point in all of this is not finding the right ball for me, its making the right decision in getting a ball for my daughter. She has totally different bowling style than me. (I know what works for me is not going to work for her). This quest I am on is to get one or two balls that will work for her for next year when she competes.
I have seen many people buy the wrong ball for their kids based on a friend's (with a high average) advice. I have a little bit of knowledge in this sport, and we all know that is worst kind of knowledge to have because I can easily make the wrong decision.
The local pro shop is not reccommending anything specific. Bascially stating any ball will do. I think there is some balls better suited for her than others (Maybe I am wrong, it wouldn't be the first time or the last).
Again thanks. You responded, and gave time to answer, it was appreciated.