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Author Topic: Need some advice  (Read 631 times)


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Need some advice
« on: April 12, 2004, 09:47:14 PM »
Hi all,

I'm in need of some help.  About 3 weeks ago, I shot a 276 and had a lead of 80 going into game 2.  When the next game started, my game suffered a meltdown (needless to say, I blew the 80 pin lead), and it's gotten worse ever since.  

Over the last 8 games, I'm coming in through the nose no matter what direction I move on the approach.  My strike ball speed which normally hangs around 14.3-14.6 has been anywhere from 13.7 to 17.1.  And to top it off, my spare shooting has gone away.  In the last 2 weeks, I'm 18 of 43 in the spare department (17 of the misses were splits and the rest have been the spares that have been automatic all season).

I know that I'm now officially in a slump.  I was averaging 201 when it started and the last two weeks I've shot 505 and 514, both requiring clutch strikes in the 10th of game 3 just to break 500.  Now there is a big part of me that doesn't want to bowl next week (which is the last week of the season), which means that I'm not only in a slump, but I'm also burned out.  To top it all off, next week is the league championship rolloff, my team is in it, and I'm their anchor bowler.

As I said earlier, I really don't want to bowl next week because I don't want my slump to be the reason my team doesn't win.  I've tried asking our subs but they're either busy or just don't want to.  So next week my team will have 4 guys who have been doing pretty well lately, and an anchor who has gone ice cold.

I'm already planning on taking the summer off, but for now the fire is gone.  Does anyone have any ideas/tips/advice on how to find enough drive to get me through the rolloff with a series that is something I can build off of going into next fall?

Thanks for your time.

Edited on 4/13/2004 12:43 PM


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Re: Need some advice
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2004, 01:09:49 PM »
A slump is all mental. It's all in your head.

Instead of bowling more, try bowling less. You said it yourself, "Now there is a big part of me that doesn't want to bowl next week (which is the last week of the season), which means that I'm not only in a slump, but I'm also burned out."

Don't think about bowling for about.. umm.. lets say a month?? I think thats a reasonable amount of time. What do you have to lose anyway?
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