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Author Topic: PBA patterns  (Read 1585 times)


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PBA patterns
« on: April 12, 2004, 02:53:59 AM »
Well last week after bowling the 80 year old scratch league I bowl in decided to go to the five pba patterns next season. The reason I heard was some teams complaining of no chance to win the league and of escalating avgs. Only five teams have a realistic chance to win each year. They have tried the playoff format and half seasons. The scores are getting pretty high. My team is in first and we average 1100. There is one team at 1130 and several others at or above 1070. Personaly I love the chance for more of a challenge and think it should help me be better prepared for tournaments. I think it should also lower scores. I do not think however that it will have the desired affect on the league, to be more competitive. I think the gap between the better bowlers and the others will widen further. Has anybody else had there league go to this? How has it worked out? Thanks, David



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Re: PBA patterns
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2004, 08:09:49 PM »

   There is not enough real bowlers here in memphis to put together a league other than on THS. Seems like there is not enough peopple wanting to get better. Personally, I would jump to such an opportunity. But I think like you, that the league as a whole will not enjoy the reality the will recieve when they see there true capabilities. The 5 PBA conditions seems tougher than a good sport condition crowned in both directions. I would think that going to such an extreme to curtail scoring is simply over kill all of a sudden. Staging it yearly would allow everyone to better there game and prepair for the added requirements. I am encouraged that the league voted such but have a feeling it will be a short lived change.
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Re: PBA patterns
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2004, 08:38:32 PM »
Trust me, there will be quite a bit of RUDE AWAKENING going on in your league next year.  The truly good bowlers will continue to dominate, and those relying on lane conditions will fall even FURTHER behind them.

  The only way lane conditions can dictate a winner is to be decidedly UNFAIR!!!!!.  What i mean by this is that the best will ALWAYS rise to the top, no matter what lane condition is out there, as long as it is the same for everybody.  If you are walling up one pair while flat oiling another, then you might influence the outcome, but if everybody is playing on the same conditions, the truly good bowlers wil do WHATEVER it takes, including buying new equipment to allow them to play the tougher conditions, while the wannabee's will not see the use in spending the bucks to get the right ball cause they're " gonna lose" anyway, so why buy a new ball for $200?

  It is a vicious circle. The guys who want to be the best will do whats necessary to win, while the guys who are most likely the ones complaining, won't go to the trouble to learn how to win and won't go to the expense to win, so the results next year will be the same, just with lower scores and averages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: PBA patterns
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2004, 12:31:06 AM »
freezeback32--I bowled a scratch league that used PBA patterns.  I will go over the pros and cons.

Different patterns and more difficult ones at that.  It WILL prepare you for some tournies.  The competition is tough and enjoyable.  Don't expect to averge 220, make your spares and you will do fine.

The different patterns are nice but when will you ever see them??  The majority of the patterns are oilier than THS.  Your typical HS is laid down in tournaments around here, that means the pattern blows up in a few games.  That is something you won't see on a PBA pattern especially if the league is only 3 games long.  

You will be surprised by the lower average bowlers.  I have seen some of them shoot 240 on a PBA pattern, then back it up with 120.  Of course that is hitting the pocket flush about 30% of the time, the rest are brooklyn and all over the place.

Good luck with your league, it will be fun.  Prepare for the complaining by the higher average bowlers.

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Re: PBA patterns
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2004, 10:12:59 AM »
freezeback32, Where is the league at? I see in your profile you're in northern Illinois. I would love to have a PBA shot league to bowl in.


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Re: PBA patterns
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2004, 11:54:19 AM »
I'm bowling in a summer PBA pattern league. Should be fun.

But now since I know what the specific pattern will be, how can that help me?

An are there are specific strategies for the different patterns.

Is there any info on how to play them on the PBA website or elsewhere?
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Re: PBA patterns
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2004, 12:47:28 PM »
Shotmaker, The league is the Budweiser City League in Rockford, Il.


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Re: PBA patterns
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2004, 01:00:40 PM »
It will lead to a lot of business for your pro shop.

Drillings that emphasize working in heavier oil up front and then flying backends with no hold area will not allow your power players to perform without ball changes and drilling adjustments.

Also it will exagerate the difference once your good accurate throwers get there arsenals set up properly.


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