Trust me, there will be quite a bit of RUDE AWAKENING going on in your league next year. The truly good bowlers will continue to dominate, and those relying on lane conditions will fall even FURTHER behind them.
The only way lane conditions can dictate a winner is to be decidedly UNFAIR!!!!!. What i mean by this is that the best will ALWAYS rise to the top, no matter what lane condition is out there, as long as it is the same for everybody. If you are walling up one pair while flat oiling another, then you might influence the outcome, but if everybody is playing on the same conditions, the truly good bowlers wil do WHATEVER it takes, including buying new equipment to allow them to play the tougher conditions, while the wannabee's will not see the use in spending the bucks to get the right ball cause they're " gonna lose" anyway, so why buy a new ball for $200?
It is a vicious circle. The guys who want to be the best will do whats necessary to win, while the guys who are most likely the ones complaining, won't go to the trouble to learn how to win and won't go to the expense to win, so the results next year will be the same, just with lower scores and averages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just call me Darreyl, it's much easier to say!