Yeah, well after a two month layoff, and the State Tournament this weekend, I finally went bowling again today. Well, I found out something interesting. Interesting, but HORRIBLE for me. TUrns out, my thumb pitch is pretty off for me. I need a LOT more forward, and more palm lateral in my thumb. I didn't bowl well, like 160s, before my thumb just gave out and finished the last two games practicing no-thumb. It's torn up (dead skin and the such) on the side, and at the base of my thumb. I can tell that I had somehow developed a release to compensate for that. But now, after not bowling, I've reverted to "normal" form and it hurts like a mofo.
Now what I'm wondering......I'm assuming people have had injuries like this before. Do you think I'll be able to bowl Saturday morning? I mean, my options are as follows:
1) Try to bowl with my thumb. If it works out, I'd be bowling like normal with a much sounder game, but there is the risk that I might severely damage my thumb, or that it would just hurt and I'd do bad. This is all dependant on if my thumb can heal in 2 days.
2) Forget about it, and go no-thumb. I don't have a problem with that, since I'm accurate enough on strike shots. But, if it's dry, I'm gonna have a BIG problem with spares since no matter what I do, with a 5-600 rpm release, plastic is going to hook if there's no oil. So, it'd be physically easier on me, but if there isn't much oil, my scores won't be real high so no real point to bowl. With dry lanes, hooking plastic the last two games today I managed to average around 175 that way, by the way.
So, what would you all do? I know, I know, I'll end up deciding Saturday morning, but what option do you think I should lean towards? I don't know, I suppose I'm odd, but I know that if I go into the tournament with a mindset of bowling one way my odds will be better. Maybe I'm weird, but if I convince myself I'm going to bowl no-thumb, then just before the tourney decide to go thumb, my insane mind will be thrown off. Or maybe I'm just paranoid and it won't.
- Andy
Brunswick...........'nuff said.