before i start you can check my pap and rev rate in my profile along with arsenal stats. im bowling two leagues this fall on back to back nights in the same center. wednesday is a mixed fun league. four person teams, with at least one woman. thursday is men's league, five man teams. wednesdays im averaging 230+ and really can do no wrong. thursdays are a different story. the lane conditions deteriorate so rapidly on thursdays that by the end of the 1st game im inside of 20. most of my high end balls i just leave in the bag because of the over reaction i get off the dry. the manager and lane man have already heard complaints, so in an effort to comply so to speak with the bowlers they upped the units of oil from 90 to 120, to no avail though it broke down the same again last night. lol what kills me is most of the teams got wind of more oil and what did they do, half brought virtual gravitys and upper end stuff SANDED and using them for three games. i started with my dynamo x2, then had to scale down to an eraser by the second and third games. yeah i know i shouldnt complain, but dry lanes are no fun to me. so how do i combat this guys? the only thing i have left to do is redrill a couple of balls with some longer pin to pap distances to promote more length. thinking of plugging my tropical and redrilling at 5 to 5 1/2" pin to pap. i have bowled for over 20 years now, ive loved every minute of it, but im to the point of getting aggrevated, so it looks like i might have to change my whole game to stay competitive or just give it up. sorry rant off lol.
STORM:If You Hear The Thunder,Sorry,The Lightning''s Already Struck!