Save the money from one purchase of a ball, and see about a few lessons.
Hopefully she can learn a little better release.
That way every ball she throws from then on would benefit.
Yeah, I figured this response would show up.
Aside from anybody worth going to being a significant (hours) drive away, she doesn't really have any interest in something like that. She was pretty decent when bowling regularly, about a 185-190 average a few years ago, but then the league she was on faded away and life got in the way of bowling other nights. That's as good as she wants to be, or at least close to it. Last year was the first she was getting back into it and there were obviously some rust issues, but now we can see that she needs something that will pick up a little earlier.
I've stayed away from the early rolling stuff for a few years and haven't had as much hands-on experience with them so I was looking for opinions on what might fit the bill the best.
My wife who has decent speed but not a lot of hand and balls have a tendency to not read the pattern fir her got the Brunswick Nirvana and it has worked great for her.
Yeah, that one came to mind as well.