I've never seen him bowl before, and it was almost a little hard. He's got a great pushaway and backswing, then he gets to the bottom and absolutely kills the ball at his release. It's over-revving, the roll is dead, and I don't see how he carries anything. Both him and Mika had loft, but Mika has an incredible roll. Everything works together. Now I know Ritchie used to throw it harder, and I know the oil volume of the pattern is pretty high, but Mika softened things up quite a bit and still threw a great shot. Ritchie on the other hand was almost painful to watch. If he was smoother at his release, he's got decent targeting skills, I think a better release would help tremendously. He needs to hook up with Rick Benoit . .
New member of the Metal Militia!!! If you think Simple Plan is metal, then you must die. And not get to be a member . .\m/!!!