Yes it is the league that is broken into 4 rounds. Round 1 winner plays the wild card and Round 2 winner palys the 3rd round winner 2 weeks before sweeps. On the final position round the winners of the 2 matches play eachother for teh league championship.
As for the 1 pin over, the woman is currently shooting an average of 17 pins over that. In addition, the team has only lost 1 game since she joined. But that is the breaks. Unfortunately it may result in this team being a lock for the $1000 bonus prize for winning the league.
This league is in the Los Angeles area, so it is not a small town by any means. The league has been around for a long time and dwindling over tha last 3-4 years from what I have been told.
Personally, I would like the league to find a format where it is a total scratch league with no teams getting handicap. I think the reason for the hdcp is these teams would not have come into the league without it. As for the team leaving if the new lady was not allowed, I don't think they would have left.
One other thing that was allowed is a team could not get a female and they were allowed to field a 4 man team. Maybe next year the 1 woman rule should be dropped and make it a 4 person team within the max. I really don't want to see the league fold, but as a new person to this league I am not sure if I want to fight the fight or just walk away, not rejoin next season.
The problem with most of the good scratch leagues is no one leaves and it is tough to get in to them. It may be time to start looking around though.
By the way, thanks for the replies.
To err is human to be thonged is divine