Currently carry an AMF Hype, Lane #1 Liberator, Visionary Slate Blue Gargoyle, and Brunswick Edge (spare ball) for any league. Urethane give me the best look I can hope for on usual THS. Most reactives force me deeper inside than I'd like, which is a constant struggle being a left hander with a decent amount of hand and speed. Hype can handle up to mediums, Liberator is step down with more length and "finish", Gargoyle is another step down from that (rarely needed). Majority of the time I am able to throw the Liberator for full sets. Occasionally, I will need to use the Hype instead, and will ball down to Liberator 3rd game or so. I am slightly concerned my Hype may have separated (makes a hollow thud when contacting other balls on the rack) and none of the current lineup of urethanes have similar stats.