I did not want to take over the thread on Assualt with a Deadly Bowling ball but it reminded me of something years ago bowling in league in Raleigh NC.
There was this one guy (every league has at least one) who yells and screams and does antic's (PDW Karate Chop BS at the line), who averages 220+ and thinks the bowling world revolves around him. Just about everyone hated bowling around this guy and this particular nite this guy was in rare form. Bowlers all around are yelling at him while he is going down the approach, you know trying to show him how disturbing it is. The league was in rage. Now it late in the night and this guy goes nuts when he left a 9 pin and 3 pair down a guy has a chance at 800 and need the first strike in the 10th. You can imagine what happens, no 800. The guy stands at the foul line turns to look at the guy 3 lanes down jumping around like an idiot... walks across the approach, not a sole was bowling... everyone was watching.... gets about a lane away from the idiot rares his fist back and starts to run at the idiot. But the idiot is a BIG guy, 6'2" and 275... mostly muscle. The idiot just stood there like he did not believe what was about to happen. And BLAME!!!!! right in the side of the face... the idiot falls back about 1/2 a lane, right over, knocked out cold. No league member goes up to the guy knocked out on the approach. The center manager has to go up to the guy and determine if he is alive. Both the police and ambulance was called. Meanwhile, the other guy walks calmly back down the approach...picks up his ball, makes his spare, strikes,packs up and leaves 790 something.
The next week we find out the idiot filed a police report. But the idiot no longer acks like an idiot. In fact he leaves the city after the league was over. Shows up about a year or so later having quit the game.