Thought, I'd bounce this off fellow BRrrrrrrrrr's.
Seems we don't have many technique threads. So here it is.....this year I am trying something new for me. In the past, my A game was a medium speed off the side with enough axis tilt around 45 my good pocket shots always carried well. My PAP specs are 4 7/8"s over and 1/2" up. On a THS no problem always do relatively well. On tougher flatter conditons not so good because my ball tended to read the head/lane too early and I din't possess enough speed to keep it on line. Therefore, I was constantly moving left and opening up the lane and changing equipment on the fly. Sound familiar some of you?
I did/do have a B game with more forward roll to get the ball thru the heads but usually only used it at tournaments where I was forced to do so.
So, this year I decided I'd develop my A game around more forward roll stay under the ball longer stroke it more with a freer <is that a word?> arm swing therefore developing more ball speed. I think of Doug Kent's game when I visualize this type of style. far this year struggling a bit in leagues nothing special but I have noticed a few things which makes me keep trying to the detriment of my teams I might add. I know I could score higher with my old A game more side roll.
I have picked up some ball speed which is good. Looser more flowing arm swing not hitting on the ball letting the ball read the lane which I thought would be a big problem because it would take off on me......not so but I don't have as much area to play with. My track or first flare ring with oil is in the same place on the ball but I can see a way different reaction. I wouldn't expect to track higher because most of the higher flaring equipment wouldn't do that for me. I can make an old Wine U-Dot with no weights track high right next to my ring and thumb.
The good part of this change in technique is many fold. I picked up speed, I can stay farther right. I used to start most sets on a THS left of 25 I drift one board right. Now I can start 22 and let the ball read the lane. Before I always worried about letting the ball read to much of the head. I can use more hooking equipment. I can actually scuff some of my equipment that I always kept shiny. Very interesting for me.
It's a work in progress for sure but I am gonna keep working on this change. I know it will do me well on tougher conditions that I'll see this year.
Thanks for reading...maybe this might help others that are thinking of trying something different.