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Author Topic: New 900  (Read 3888 times)


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New 900
« on: May 24, 2004, 09:14:33 AM »
I have heard that someone just recently shot 900.  Ive looked around the web but cant find anything. Has anyone else heard this? The person that told me said he thaught it was in Illinois but wasnt totally sure.
Bill Grant
Visionary Test Staff Member

Edited on 5/25/2004 0:12 AM
Billy Grant - 900 Global Staff Member

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Re: New 900
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2004, 12:16:55 AM »
Interesting...i'm in Illinois right now and haven't heard anything of it yet, will look into it though.
Andrew Loose
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Re: New 900
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2004, 12:27:39 AM »
Nothing about it yet at but if it just happened, it might not have been approved yet.

I just want 2C was'zzub.

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Ernie McCracken

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Re: New 900
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2004, 03:03:16 PM »
I haven't heard anything yet.
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Re: New 900
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2004, 03:10:49 PM »



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Re: New 900
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2004, 03:17:09 PM »
for 900's they have to check the lanes, make sure there was enough oil. Thats what happened with Glenn Allison's 900.


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Re: New 900
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2004, 03:23:51 PM »
BBL, thanks for the link.  There seems to be an endless supply of different threads with links about it, so.....


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Re: New 900
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2004, 09:30:32 PM »
i remember reading in bowling digest that glenn allison himself said the abc declared the lanes he bowled the 900 series on had too much oil buildup-----a wall. what's interesting is that the line he was playing that night wasn't near the wall.............


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Re: New 900
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2004, 09:47:54 PM »
Jeremy Sonnenfeld Feb. 2, 1997


Tony Roventini Nov. 9, 1998

If your not using a Lane#1, You should be!
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Re: New 900
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2004, 10:19:23 PM »
for 900's they have to check the lanes, make sure there was enough oil. Thats what happened with Glenn Allison's 900.

No, that is NOT what happened with his 900.  What happened was that they decided it was illegal, because they couldn't stand the thought of someone beating the great Allie Brandt, then found a way to disqualify it.  I haven't seen or heard of lanes being properly checked after a 300 since sometime in the late 70's.  What checking is now done usually allows for plenty of time for the house to bring the lanes under spec. if they even bother doing that.

Hate to tell you this but thats the real reason. You cant blame ABC for the Lane mans screw up.
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Re: New 900
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2004, 10:45:32 PM »
It didnt matter, they didnt know where Glenn played. Like you said it was 2nd shift so you dont know where ANYONE played. You still cant blame ABC


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Re: New 900
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2004, 11:10:20 PM »
I would like to know just when these ABC people do any kind of lane inspection. I have been bowling for almost 40 years, and I have only seen this done one time, and that was back in the 70's. Aren't there supposed to be lane inspections done by ABC on a regular basis? Two years ago, I asked the same question of Roger Dalkin, and he turned me over to some woman who at that time was in charge of Eastern Pennsylvania, which is my area. She assured me that these ABC lane inspectors are vigorously checking lanes all over the area. Well, I have yet to see any, unless these inspections are done at 3AM or something like that. In the houses that I bowl, the lanes are dressed around 5:30PM for the 6:30PM shift, and they are not touched again until the next morning when they are made ready for the Early Birds. I have talked to people who bowl on all shifts, and nobody has ever seen anybody inspecting the lanes.


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Re: New 900
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2004, 10:12:17 AM »

I can't speak for all associations, however I can answer for whawhen lanes are inspected here in the Elgin Bowling Association in Illinois.  A zero line reading (oil condition test) is done in every bowling center at least once a year (usually late in the summer).  A zero line must also be taken within 30 days of any award score.  We schedule the houses with higher scoring leagues for zero lines every 60 days.  We will check with the lane man ahead of time so that we can take readings within an hour of the time that the lanes are stripped and oiled.  For the 3 houses for which I am personnally responsible, the readings are done at 7am on saturday in one center, 5:30pm on wednesday in another, and 4pm saturday in the last.  We take 3 readings per lane, and inspect 2 lanes.  The readings are normally at 15', 25' to 30', and 2' past the end of the pattern.  We use a tape take up device and then read the tapes with a Brunswick tape monitor computer inteface, print out the pattern and check the readings to make sure that they meeet current ABC standards.

In addition to the zero lines, every center has a thourough inspection once a year, generally in june or july.  This involves measuring every lane for depressions at three different distances, checking the pin decks for levelness, gutter depth, width of pin deck, distance from kickback to kickback, and pin spots.  These inspections are normally done with an inspection team of 2 to 10 inspectors and volunteers.  They are usually scheduled at 7am on weekdays for the smaller houses and weekends for the larger centers.

If anyone ever wants to see an inspection, we are more than happy to let our bowlers know when we have an inspection scheduled so that they can better understand exactly what we do.

StormLefty:  Thanx for saying virtually the same thing.  You must be much quicker with the reply button.

Edited on 5/26/2004 10:12 AM


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Re: New 900
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2004, 06:35:03 PM »
There was one shot just last week just outside of Syracuse...however it was in a non-sanctioned tournament
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Re: New 900
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2004, 10:48:39 PM »
I will have to agree with the lanes being checked in the afternoon. When I was managing a center we would get a few pairs ready for the local secretary to come in and check everything. If it works out right the lanes are inspected just inside the 30 day window so you don't have to have them reinspected. Most people never see the lane inspectors due to when they do inspect the lanes. At the begining of the season we would shut down one day when we knew they were coming in do extra cleaning in the center and have the lanes all ready to go. AHH how I miss those days.
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