When I managed an AMF house, some leagues get what could be called a "loyalty discount." When league rates are due to increase, deals might be made between the league and the GM about lineage rates. Those rates could be less than if a new league were to start at the exact same day and time.
I have never heard of a "lineage penalty" for moving centers. Usually you simply negotiate a lineage rate at the new place. It shouldn't matter if the league was at a different AMF house the year before. If the league was trying to get the same rate they had at the previous center and couldn't, I could see how one could call it a penalty, but it just amounts to a different negotiated amount.
on edit: AMF also adjusts their prices according to location. So another bowling center, even though only 3 miles away, may have a different pricing bracket because of the location. May be associated with zip codes.
I am not a pro-bowler, but I do play one on BallReviews.com
Edited on 5/19/2009 4:26 PM