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Author Topic: New Ball  (Read 841 times)


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New Ball
« on: December 28, 2003, 10:16:01 PM »
I posted on the Brunswick section and nobody seems to want to help so maybe this section will be better.  I've been bowling for only three years and I've gone from 120 to 180. Typical night for me is 3 games around 180 or a big game for me 225 with a 150 to average it out.  Had a cheap plastic 8 ball til my average hit 150 and then got an HPC zone.  It probably has around 400 games on it and I've had it resurface a couple of times but it has some nicks and dings and I figure it's time for a new one.  The low games usually come after a crap day at the office but consistantly it is because I am throwing to hard.  My speed is around 17-18 min.  Couldn't tell you what my rev rate is but I start around board 25 in the back and throw at the 2nd arrow.  As the lanes break down I move furhter left.  If I slow down it comes into the pocket pretty hard but I always feel like I'm varying my swing all the time.  Shouldn't my swing be consistant always?  Like a golf swing, it doesnt matter what club it should always be the same swing?  And if I'm going to throw hard what kind of ball might you reccomend.  My pro is talking about a Pearlescent? finish to make it carry further before it snaps harder at the end.  Does this make sense?