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Author Topic: New Ball For Wife  (Read 1455 times)


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New Ball For Wife
« on: October 31, 2014, 11:35:18 AM »
My wife is in the market to get a new ball but can't decide what to get.  She is a "casual" bowler that gets burnt out on winter leagues but likes summer leagues because they are short.  She throws hard (probably too hard!!) and straight.  And uses a conventional grip.  Right now she is using and old Columbia ball of some sort.  A Galaxy maybe, but I'm not sure.  We talked to the pro shop operator and he recommended an Ebonite Cyclone or something similar.  So what is similar to the Cyclone??

Another question;  Would a Storm Virtual Gravity Nano be overkill for her?  Reason I'm asking is because our son picked one up at a garage sale for $10 and gave it to her.  It's a 12lb ball (which is what she throws) but needs to be resurfaced, plugged and redrilled.   

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Re: New Ball For Wife
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2014, 11:49:04 AM »
If she throws it hard and straight, the Nano will probably work just fine.
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Re: New Ball For Wife
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2014, 12:01:51 PM »
My wife is in the market to get a new ball but can't decide what to get.  She is a "casual" bowler that gets burnt out on winter leagues but likes summer leagues because they are short.  She throws hard (probably too hard!!) and straight.  And uses a conventional grip.  Right now she is using and old Columbia ball of some sort.  A Galaxy maybe, but I'm not sure.  We talked to the pro shop operator and he recommended an Ebonite Cyclone or something similar.  So what is similar to the Cyclone??

Another question;  Would a Storm Virtual Gravity Nano be overkill for her?  Reason I'm asking is because our son picked one up at a garage sale for $10 and gave it to her.  It's a 12lb ball (which is what she throws) but needs to be resurfaced, plugged and redrilled.   


If she throws hard and straight with a conventional grip then there isnt anything that is going to improve what she has already because it will just go straight as well.  I would invest in a lesson to teach her how to get the most out of a resin ball before making a decision.  May also want to teach her to become a finger tip bowler and get away from conventional.  My wife this year (first year in a fall league) entered the year at 121.  She is up to a 136 already and shot her first 200 game last night.  We did lesson first and then recommended a ball; which just happens to be a Cyclone. 
Steven Vance
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Gene J Kanak

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Re: New Ball For Wife
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2014, 12:32:10 PM »
It really comes down to your wife's bowling goals. If she just bowls to have fun and doesn't care about how she scores, just let her use whatever ball she wants. If it were me, I would probably have her stick with a plastic ball that she likes the looks of. The Nano would also work just fine for her in this scenario, but don't count on the ball providing any special benefits. If she throws hard and straight with no lift, the ball is going to go straight and hit pretty much like any other 12lb-ball.

Now, if she wants to take the game more seriously, then I would follow the advice of others. Invest in a lesson or two with a trusted bowler or pro shop professional. I would seriously advise you against trying to teach her yourself. For whatever reason, husbands and wives often struggle to get along when playing the roles of teacher-student. Let someone else teach her, get her switched from conventional to fingertip, and try to bump up the ball weight if at all possible to help with hitting power.

Again, decided based upon what she wants to do. If she just bowls for fun, any ball that fits will be sufficient. If she wants to improve her game, invest in some lessons, practice, and new equipment.