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Author Topic: New ball needed?  (Read 548 times)


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New ball needed?
« on: May 11, 2004, 08:17:24 AM »
My friend is looking for a new ball.  Right now he is throwing a Matrix trimax 2 and a columbia arc, but neither are giving the look he wants.  He is lookin for somethin that will be a monster in the backend.  He roll pretty hard, bout 19 to 21 mph, and comes around the ball alot, plus he really does not have a lot of revs.  I was thinkin somethin in a particle pealr, like a vicious strike, ego, primetime, or even a flash point.  Can someone help out any help would be apreciated, thanx



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Re: New ball needed?
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2004, 11:24:56 PM »
Flash Points are really good on the backend, especial for someone that rolls there hand around the ball, but keep in mind, its the bowler and not the ball, he would probley get plenty of hook out the Matrix if he change his style and stayed behind the ball...

- 01kay
"Worlds Greatest Ball = Ultimate Inferno"
"Hook Isn't The Key, A Repeatable Consistent Shot Is"
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