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Author Topic: New ball released by InSite  (Read 2102 times)


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New ball released by InSite
« on: October 21, 2004, 05:17:07 AM »
There is a new ball company on the market!  It is called InSite!  There first ball is called the "Almighty" and the way it rolls it definitely is almighty!
I've already punched a couple of them and I love mine!  It is produced by Brunswick, it has a modified Warp Zone weight block with a low-load particle coverstock!  This is the first particle piece that I have been able to throw!

Hook Potential: Scale of 10 - 150  Rating 110
Lenght: Scale of 25 - 235  Rating 100
Breakpoint Shape: Scale of 10 - 100  Rating 70
Flare Potential: Scale of 0.0 - 0.080  Rating 0.044
RG-Average: Scale of 1 - 10  Rating 4.8

     Low-load Particle
     76 - 78
     High gloss polish
Core Dynamics:
     RG Max: 2.585
     RG Int: 2.569
     RG Min: 2.541
     RG Diff: 0.044
     RG Asy: 0.016
     Average RG: 4.8
My Review:
     I have one punched up for myself and I love mine!  It clears the heads with ease and makes a very hard move on the back-end!  This ball hits harder than any other ball I have used!  I am very impressed with this new company and I am waiting on the next release!
Any questions about the ball give me a call or e-mail me and ill give you any info you need!
"Off the Sheet" Pro Shop
Fort Belvoir, Va
'The Place to go when you wanna take your game "Off the Sheet"'
Toby Smith - Pro Shop Manager

Edited on 10/21/2004 2:11 PM



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Re: New ball released by InSite
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2004, 05:18:16 PM »
What happens when a new ball comes out that hits harder than that?
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Re: New ball released by InSite
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2004, 05:25:20 PM »
I thought it was PK-18, no?


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Re: New ball released by InSite
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2004, 11:04:20 AM »
I know everyone says "this ball hits the hardest I've ever seen" and every ball hits harder than the last one but I really believe that this ball is gonna be hard to beat!  
I guess this one will work good for the people that buy 500 balls a year but I'm not sure because my customers are usually happy the first time and buy new balls because they want something new.

If anyone wants an "Almighty" or any other balls just let me know by this forum or you can call or e-mail me and I will return the message ASAP.

"Off the Sheet" Pro Shop
Fort Belvoir, Va
'The Place to go when you wanna take your game "Off the Sheet"'
Toby Smith - Pro Shop Manager


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Re: New ball released by InSite
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2004, 11:30:56 AM »
Sorry could some-one please put out a definition for me??

"Hits-harder than anything i have ever used."

I seem to hear this statement all the time but being an engineer type could someone please deliver this into quantative data for me. (sorry don't mean to bust your balls) Is there any more info you can give like who is making it? their backround? Price point? I like small companies but also like to know if they will be around come next year.

Edited on 10/22/2004 11:23 AM


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Re: New ball released by InSite
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2004, 01:33:26 PM »
I know the guys who are making this ball (I bowl in the center where they run pro shop).  A bunch of guys I bowl with have had ones drilled and they all seem to be happy with them.  I have had an opportunity to throw one but it did not fit my hand very well, so I am reserving judgement for now.  BUT I am thinking of purchasing one.

Anyway, if you want to talk to the maker, call Mark Russo at Russo's Pro Shop (Greenmount Bowl) in Hampstead, MD.  The phone number is 410-239-0991.  He will happily give the info you are looking for.


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Re: New ball released by InSite
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2004, 02:20:56 AM »
I know everyone says "this ball hits the hardest I've ever seen" and every ball hits harder than the last one but I really believe that this ball is gonna be hard to beat!  
I guess this one will work good for the people that buy 500 balls a year but I'm not sure because my customers are usually happy the first time and buy new balls because they want something new.

If anyone wants an "Almighty" or any other balls just let me know by this forum or you can call or e-mail me and I will return the message ASAP.

"Off the Sheet" Pro Shop
Fort Belvoir, Va
'The Place to go when you wanna take your game "Off the Sheet"'
Toby Smith - Pro Shop Manager

So would it hit harder than the Lane #1 Golden Nugget?

When I use this ball it generally carries everything and the house. More messengers than any ball I have ever seen...opposing teams laugh at how ugly the ball is when I pull it out. Then they suddenly get that "Oh ****" look on their face when they see every rack blowing up.
Somewhere in the far distant future Lane #1's slogan will be..."Lane #1, out-carrying Storm for over 50 years!"


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Re: New ball released by InSite
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2004, 06:13:56 AM »
I've seen DavidSNK use his Golden Nugget. He does get unusually explosive reaction from it. Of course, his speed does account for a certain portion of that explosiveness. (Got to be honest, David.)
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Re: New ball released by InSite
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2004, 01:31:29 PM »
I have used a "Golden Nugget" and I did like the hit of it, but as far as reaction I didn't like it!  This ball hits harder and the reaction is twice as good!  I am a very high rev, high track player and have no problem making anything hook, but the nugget never gave me a good read.  Nothing against  
Lane #1 but I see too much over under with that ball.  I have only punched a few of them, one for me and a few for customers, but even everyone else I see using it, I see the same thing.  I like the rest of the line but I think they have nothing on the hit of this ball.
"Off the Sheet" Pro Shop
Fort Belvoir, Va
'The Place to go when you wanna take your game "Off the Sheet"'
Toby Smith - Pro Shop Manager


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Re: New ball released by InSite
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2004, 02:25:06 PM »
I'd like to see this NEW BALL in action! Like to know what condition it is designed for!

I have the GN .. it hits well on it's Condition .. outside of that CONDITION it's USELESS! I don't own the NEW STANDARD but I have seen it in action .. that ball is REAL IMPRESSIVE! Does the new MAKER" ball compare to THE NEW STANDARD?I'd also like to know the PRICE!

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Re: New ball released by InSite
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2004, 06:51:12 PM »
Sorry about that guys!  I forgot the most important part of the posting! THE PRICE!  The retail on the ball at my shop is $189.00 plus the cost of inserts.
The drilling is included in the price of the ball.
Joe what area are you in??
We might be able to find someone in that area who has one.
"Off the Sheet" Pro Shop
Fort Belvoir, Va
'The Place to go when you wanna take your game "Off the Sheet"'
Toby Smith - Pro Shop Manager


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Re: New ball released by InSite
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2004, 11:26:57 AM »
The price without drilling is $149.00 plus shipping.
"Off the Sheet" Pro Shop
Fort Belvoir, Va
'The Place to go when you wanna take your game "Off the Sheet"'
Toby Smith - Pro Shop Manager