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Author Topic: New Ball Suggestion  (Read 640 times)


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New Ball Suggestion
« on: March 15, 2005, 03:24:50 AM »

I know this is probably something that everyone will have different opinions on, but I haven't bowled in several years and am looking at purchasing a new ball.

I currently have a Cuda/C and a Combat Zone (CZ).  Both work well, but I am looking for something with a little more hook.  The house I bowl at recently changed to 38 feet oil (from 35), and both balls seem to struggle coming back.  I can throw the Cuda at the 2nd arrow from the 22nd or so dot, and I can throw the CZ from about 25 to the second arrow as well.  The balls seem to be sliding by, but hitting the pocket.  I throw right handed, and I don't know how much I drift.

I don't put a lot of speed on the ball (about 15-16 mph) and I don't think I crank it.  I try to keep everything simple.

I can throw the first and second arrows with no problems, but if I go deeper, the ball doesn't return.

It has been a very long time since I purchased a ball and with all of the varieties to choose from, how does one begin searching?

I would like medium to oily lane conditions and I want to try throwing deeper inside (I want to be able to play all lines).

Thanks for any suggestions.



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Re: New Ball Suggestion
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2005, 11:35:50 AM »
You sound like you bowl almost like me.  I'm throwing a Columbia "Big Bully" right now and am very satisfied. I was also looking at a Brunswick "Absolute Inferno" - both are balls that are talked of well here.

I'm not a pro ... but I play one on TV!


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Re: New Ball Suggestion
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2005, 01:31:56 PM »
Track Rule GP2