Hi everyone,
I might be seeing a new ball here in the future but not sure what I need to fit into my arsenal..
The only thing that I really know is that it needs to be a type of pin down layout..
currently I have
Raid @ box finish
BWS @ 4000 + Polish
Complete NV also 4000 + Polish
Twisted Fury box finish
Toxic polished
So as you see most of my stuff is polished and pin up layouts..
I bowl on some heavily oiled synthetics and the other house is a very dry wood shot..
I consider myself to be a pretty highish rev maybe higher medium rev. rate bowler with an average speed. of about 16-17 mph.
I'm open to try other brands..
some options I already have looked at being
momentum swing
or playmaker
and even thought about the track uprising..
But I'm wanting everyone else's in-put or suggestions what would fit pretty nice with what I have without being too similar..
and I plan to lay the ball out with something pin down..
Thanks to all replies.
In the bag: Complete NV,Raid, Maxim Spare, BWS, Toxic, Twisted Fury
HG: 279/Ball: cNV
HS: 742/Ball: cNV
HSG: 263/Ball: T-Inferno
HSS: 633/Ball: T-Inferno
Current average: 200