I've got a couple balls I had finger inserts put into, are vise ovals. I have all my other equipment drilled without inserts, which I mostly like. I do have a calouse on the right side of my middle finger which makes the nail kind of change shape and somewhat is painful. Also bowling a lot, will make my fingers a little sore. Not tons but since I bowl a lot, 10 or more games a day usually, sometimes it feels like inserts might be nicer. The balls with inserts I got are kind of looser than I expected around my fingers. They definitely don't fit too snugly around my fingers, can wiggle them a little in there and just doesn't feel completely right. Is this normal, or should I get a smaller size, does it really matter or just a preference? I'm still not 100% convinced to convert to inserts, but definitely don't want to redo all my balls with a size that is wrong and have to pay for more inserts a second time. Also wondering the general thoughts on this type of issue, are my middle finger pitches possibly needing adjusting and it'll all be fine. Or the inserts the best way to go and loose won't be a bad thing when I get used to it. I can put my fingers in them past the first knuckle, also of course my fingers slightly change size depending on what I eat and the weather or how much I've bowled, so they can be close to snug sometimes. If I push a shim of thin cardboard into the top of the insert, it fits more snug, is this a normal thing to do, possibly from them being standard sizes and me possibly needing just slightly smaller ones?
Thanks, really interested in everyones take on this, have seen a lot of stuff online talking about finger inserts vs. none but not much about the tightness of the inserts and if it is ok for them to be rather loose.