With a good arsenal you are looking to have several balls spread out enough in reaction shape and strength that there will not be overlap. As a general rule I would say look at a 3 ball plus spare ball. That would look something like, heavy oil ball like the Roto Grip Mutant Cell, medium oil ball like the Storm Hy-Road, and a light oil ball like your Brunswick Power Groove. Then you would also get a spare ball and that would build a good league arsenal. If you wanted to start getting more complex you would look at having balls to form a progression, like fore me I have the Rogue Cell, which I would then step down to my Cell, followed by my Pluto. This way I can have the same reaction type but just weaker overall. As far as your pro shop owner. If he is coaching you he should have some great insight as to what balls to get. He is in the business of helping you out. He will most likely give you good advice. Just talk to him about what you are wanting to do and just come at him and say you are looking for a good heavy oil and medium ball to go over your Power Groove and everything should work out wonderfully.
They call me the thread killer...
Always be sincere, even when you don't mean it
The Cell Pimp