a few weeks ago o measured tho spans on the 4 main balls I use ( vg,ve,freeze,and now tfd).
what I got was 2 balls close (vg&ve) and then 2 vary different lengths. this pst saturday I went to a different pro shop (all 4 balls driller by different shop) this being the 5th shop I've tried.
I had all spans matched (might be a small difference but not like b4). this was done by slugging each ball.
I was unable to get some practice in with the new grips b4 league nite. what I found was a slipping problem. tonight I had more wrap 10's then I normally have I 2 nights of bowling and the spare shots just fell off my hands. (game 1. 7 - 10pins spared 1) game 2 5-10pins spared 2, game 3 2-10pins spared 1. normally I will spare 9 out of 10 ; was off due to dropping the ball.
hope I get use to ithe new feel quickly b4 I pick up some bad habits.
anyone got some suggestions? other than practice, practice, practice.
I don't normally use the slug for the thumb so the feel is just off (slick side I guess).