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Author Topic: hope I didn't mess up ball feel  (Read 2530 times)


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hope I didn't mess up ball feel
« on: March 24, 2010, 05:30:32 PM »
a  few  weeks  ago  o  measured  tho  spans  on  the  4  main  balls I  use  (  vg,ve,freeze,and  now  tfd).

what I  got  was  2  balls close  (vg&ve)  and  then  2  vary  different lengths.   this  pst  saturday I  went  to  a  different pro  shop  (all  4  balls  driller  by  different shop)  this  being  the  5th  shop  I've  tried.

I  had  all  spans  matched (might  be  a  small  difference but  not  like  b4).  this  was  done  by  slugging  each  ball.

I  was unable to  get  some  practice in  with  the  new  grips  b4  league nite.   what  I  found  was  a  slipping  problem.   tonight  I  had  more  wrap  10's  then  I  normally  have  I  2  nights  of  bowling and  the  spare  shots  just  fell  off  my  hands.   (game  1.  7  -  10pins  spared  1)  game  2  5-10pins  spared  2,  game  3  2-10pins  spared  1.   normally  I  will  spare  9  out  of  10 ;  was  off  due  to  dropping the  ball.
 hope  I  get  use  to  ithe  new  feel  quickly b4  I  pick  up  some  bad  habits.

anyone  got  some  suggestions?  other  than  practice,  practice, practice.

I  don't  normally  use  the  slug  for  the  thumb  so  the  feel  is  just  off  (slick  side  I  guess).



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Re: hope I didn't mess up ball feel
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2010, 09:13:31 PM »
Instead of using bowlers tape, either black (smooth) or white (textured) try 3M 471 tape which I've used forever, not as tacky as bowlers black tape, and it stays in thumb slugs


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Re: hope I didn't mess up ball feel
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2010, 02:27:57 AM »
Instead of using bowlers tape, either black (smooth) or white (textured) try 3M 471 tape which I've used forever, not as tacky as bowlers black tape, and it stays in thumb slugs

if i'm not using the vise ta ..thumb tape then i'm using just plain old elec. tape.. why spen the money on pre-cut tape ..

was unable to practice this weekend  so will try the the change during leage.  if need be i'll just keep up the the bat habit of over rotating (drier house 90 deg is good)

going to give scott a call and give him the low down and see what he reccomends.(sorry to those of BR spelling reviews. i've had a few tonight so bare with me I finally have a night off that i can enjoy with a drink (or more)).

thanks for the suggestion tho.


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Re: hope I didn't mess up ball feel
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2010, 02:32:47 AM »
Instead of using bowlers tape, either black (smooth) or white (textured) try 3M 471 tape which I''ve used forever, not as tacky as bowlers black tape, and it stays in thumb slugs

thats the prob.. when i need a tacky feel the TA (vise tape is "A-#1")goto otherwise i use plain old 3-m elec tape...

yes i have been told that stuff streches.... so what.. so does the the so called  bowlers tape.  and its cheaper. just carry a pocket knife and your in. cut it to what ever length you want.

Edited on 3/29/2010 3:54 PM


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Re: hope I didn't mess up ball feel
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2010, 05:19:27 PM »
well last week i din't bowl because of illness.

wed. night i had the chance to use the balls with 1" brunswick tape. the stuff isn't as textured as i would like but it held and i was able to throw the balls better.

not over rotating/early rotating.

still have some fine tuning to do but i'll get there (just hope it doesn't take long)

might have to retry the vise ..ta-2c tape and see if it will stick now.
becasue that tape is imho the best. if it don't i might try a peice of cork.