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Author Topic: New Balls, Old Balls or What?  (Read 1681 times)


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New Balls, Old Balls or What?
« on: June 24, 2008, 05:41:40 AM »
Some bowlers must have the latest and greatest balls. Other bowlers use older, therefore cheaper balls. Some have a mixture of each.

Personally, I have mostly old balls. A Track Champ (in case I ever find some oil), an old original Blue Dot for a spare ball, an Ebonite 2 piece low flare pearl (for dry lanes), an Ebonite Crossfire, drilled to go long and turn sharp, and then a BWP, and a Hammer Raw Anger which are reasonably current releases.

Added on edit since my garage is such a mess I forgot these: A Hammer Raw Toxic, and an old Brunswick Red Fuze.

Ya like the old ones, or must you have the new ones? Or ?????
<font face=''Arial''>Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. </font id=''Arial''>

Edited on 6/24/2008 1:56 PM
<font color=red><h4>Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. </h4></font id=red>


Dan Belcher

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Re: New Balls, Old Balls or What?
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2008, 01:47:45 PM »
Since I am speed dominant as-is and see fairly high volumes of oil on a regular basis, I tend to like strong balls with some surface on them drilled with longer pin to PAP distances.  This gets me good consistent roll, miss area, and pin action.  Since coverstocks keep getting stronger and core design keeps improving, the newer balls tend to really suit my game when I go with that approach.  The oldest thing in my arsenal is a Storm Eraser Banshee that I drilled Rico and sanded just for the hell of it -- it might get some use in a tournament when I see less oil and super clean backends.  Otherwise all of my gear is from the past year or two.  Not that older equipment wouldn't work for me, but the newer stuff really fits my needs well.


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Re: New Balls, Old Balls or What?
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2008, 01:57:48 PM »
I see no point why I should run after the latest release that is sold for high money...
The older gems that dropped in price aren't worse on the lanes than the new stuff... so why go for the expensive stuff when there is enough good equipment for less on the market
Sebastian Koch
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Re: New Balls, Old Balls or What?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2008, 02:05:52 PM »
Since I started my arsenal building about 2 years ago, I've been getting newer releases.  But that stuff is now considered a bit older, and I still use it.  It works great, just some of their uses are changing since they're being abused.  But I'm definitely goign to start stockpiling balls I like so I don't have to try and find replacements straight away.
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Re: New Balls, Old Balls or What?
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2008, 02:07:31 PM »
I usually go for stuff I can get a good deal on.  That usually means closeouts, specials, used,... .  The last ball I got was a Yeah Baby that the pro shop owner had put 15 frames on the last night of our PBA league when he bowled with me.  Sold it to me for $75.



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Re: New Balls, Old Balls or What?
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2008, 02:31:57 PM »
I have balls from the past that are great and then I have some new balls that are great also because they have something that applies to today's oil that is unique.

Of the old stuff that just keeps on tickin.....

Icon 2,
Reaction Roll heavy oil or top hat monster
Sonic X Solid if strong backends.
Sonic boom If length is needed and weak backends.
Wow Pearl with wet till the backends which must be quite strong.
Track Spell on the wettest of wet(so wet you have to point and need backend).
X factor Deuce strong core and smooth coverstock used by many at a vicious and harsh wet dry center to smooth out overunder!

Of the new stuff that is remarkably different and better.
1. Awesome so many places and creates backend everywhere but total carrydown......(this core is AMAZING and AWESOME).
2.Any storm with Reactor and one of the new reactor coverstocks....this stuff  treats carrydown almost like it isn't there.  Move one board outside and blam you are carrying like no difference!  Super and better stuff.

I believe Ebonite and Hammer(black widows and NVS) have stuff just as strong in carrydown as the reactor super potion above.....but I haven't tried em.


A comparison I think is the El Nino Wrath of the past.....on certain dry conditions in the heads and mids it is perfect but on many modern oils....the coverstock is just not enough....whether original formulation or age....who can say but I quickly know when to hold or fold em with this ancient and still great warrior!  
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Edited on 6/24/2008 2:34 PM
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Re: New Balls, Old Balls or What?
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2008, 02:41:06 PM »
I have no problem with old equipment, such as the Storm X-Factor Deuce that I love. But I recently revamped and got new equipment, not new anymore, but new when I bought it. Being said, Im thinking of plugging and redrilling a Burgandy Hammer I found lol.

The best balls are the ones that strike. Doesn't matter how old they are.


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Re: New Balls, Old Balls or What?
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2008, 02:49:47 PM »
I have balls from the GAMEBREAKER to an old original Nitro/R2 that is 14 years old.

  Most of my stuff is bought used online and can range from pretty recent ( Total NV ) to a 23 year old black Hammer I have ( shot my first 300 with it ).

  Right now, for some odd reason, the new Track TANTRUM really has my attention and I may get one.  If I do, it will be the first new issue ball I have bought in a long time ( last one was the storm Blue Thunder in 1997 ), the rest of my stuff is usually bought either used or NIB the following year when it is on closeout sales.
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Re: New Balls, Old Balls or What?
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2008, 02:49:50 PM »
Anytime I purchase a newer ball, I make it a point to sell one of my "older" ones.  That keeps me somewhere in the 4 to 8 ball range and keeps the wife relatively happy.  As a result, I rarely have any "older" equipment around.  Do I need the latest and greatest balls?  Absolutely not.  However I enjoy "trying out" different balls, brands, releases.  It gives me a reason to surf BR on a daily basis and allows me to give better recommendations in the pro shop (actually having personal experience with certain equipment).  Now if I could just work out a deal where I didn't have to buy everything.. LOL.. probably could save myself a few $$$!

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Re: New Balls, Old Balls or What?
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2008, 03:42:44 PM »
I don't know why, but I have always had success using balls that fit into certain RG/Diff/cover specs reguardless of namebrand (around 2.55 RG, .040 Diff., and reactive solid cover).  I like one particular drill with this "ball" and if I get it all right its my benchmark (med. dry, med. oily and go-to piece).  

As far as if its a new release or not I don't really care.  Most of the new covers out there are much stronger than the older ones, so if I am looking at new releases I usually go for midline equipment because they aren't as strong as the high performance lines of the new.  But age really doesn't matter to me.




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Re: New Balls, Old Balls or What?
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2008, 03:46:05 PM »
Do you wnat to get rid of the old Red Fuze I'd be happy to make you an offer..
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Edited on 6/24/2008 3:46 PM


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Re: New Balls, Old Balls or What?
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2008, 09:30:06 AM »
Personally, I am a huge fan of older equipment, because I have the impression after some trials that I match up better with "old school" coverstocks like PK18 or Accu-Tread. I play rather slow with sufficient revs, so I do not necessarily need high traction ability. I also found out that ultra-low RG cores do not work too well for me, regardless of the manufacturer.

I also found that strong MB balls that are all the rage since 3 years - while offering spectacular lane reactions - lack versatility for me. If in doubt, I prefer more simple stuff, and in my league and tournament bag, there's no strong asymmetrical core ball anymore! My XXcel was the last one that saw frequent use, but its MB was not overly strong and it finally cracked while sitting at home in the shelf. Hmpf.
I think I am going to sell both my Sahara and S&A, because they do not see league use anymore. Too risky, even though I must admit that I am rather conservative when it comes to tournament ball, and that their reaction and pin impact are impressive. But a good show does not win the game.

Money is also a matter, of course. Prices around here are more than double as high on bowling equipment as in the US, and even though I do not consider myself "poor", I have to swallow if I am to hand over $400 for a drilled current high end ball.

Besides, it is fun to hunt down some old NIB pieces - and they can be overwhelmingly succesful. My Revolution Renegade is such a case, a ball from 2000 I got NIB for small money and which has become THE money ball in my bag. And I just got hands on a NIB Fuze Igniter which is going through tests for a review - because of its unique design with a hard reactive shell. I even got me an original Blue Hammer, mainly to see and feel what bowling was almost 20 years ago, and to see what you can do with it today. It is a lot!

Not sure what more modern stuff could effectively "do" for me, though. But I have an eye on Brunswick's upcoming Smash Zone, because it has a state-of-the-art coverstock coupled with a symmetrical core. That one could fill a gap in my line-up.
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Edited on 6/25/2008 9:37 AM
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: New Balls, Old Balls or What?
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2008, 10:49:11 AM »
I use newer stuff 90% of the time but I usually like keeping a older piece of gear in my bag for THS and when I feel like screwing around.
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Jesse James

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Re: New Balls, Old Balls or What?
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2008, 04:20:59 PM »
I guess I'm just like most guys here....I'm not bent on getting the latest and greatest! I just want what I have, to work!

Most of my "new" pieces are at least 1-2 years old. Like my Toxic, Doom, Angular One, Mystic, etc. But they work well, so I use 'em.

But in my library I still keep some old reliables, such as a blue, red, black and burgundy Hammer. An old Cuda C, a green Messenger, and several crimson AMF Ninjas. Back in the day, all these balls were money, and chances are I'll see a condition in the future where I can still use one of these gems!
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Doug Sterner

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Re: New Balls, Old Balls or What?
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2008, 04:32:21 PM »
Well let's see what I have tucked away in the many bags of balls I have drilled up in the shop.

New School...
G Force Evolution and Nebula

New Old School or Old New School
MoRich Pioneer
Emerald Pearl Buzzsaw
Buzzsaw XL
Storm X Factor
Storm El Nino X it
AZO Armageddon solid
Hybrid Dirty Bomb

Old School
Blue Hammer
Grey Angle
Black Phantom
Champions Reactive Ultimate Weapon
Champions Ultimate Weapon

I think that about covers it.....
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
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