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Author Topic: New Ball/tips after 1st time in league  (Read 1298 times)


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New Ball/tips after 1st time in league
« on: June 02, 2004, 12:38:59 AM »
I just finished my first year of league play with a 153 avg.    I played the first 2 months of the year throwing a straight ball then went to a Columbia Black Scout and started throwing a hook.  My highs were a 236, 606 series.

I practice 8-12 games per week.  I'm trying to learn oil conditions, positioning , etc.  Sometimes, I can start with right foot one or two arrows to the left of center, throw to the second arrow from right gutter and hook in to the pocket perfectly.  Other times, the ball will go dead straight.

If I adjust and move to the right of center and throw for the second arrow, same results.

I would like a ball with more consistent hook potential.  

Summer doubles starts next week and I'd like to really work on bringing up the avg. and work on control in varying lane conditions.

Any tips on balls, or reading lane conditions would be really, really appreciated.  Thanks!



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Re: New Ball/tips after 1st time in league
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2004, 04:04:31 PM »
I practice 8-12 games per week.  I'm trying to learn oil conditions, positioning , etc.  Sometimes, I can start with right foot one or two arrows to the left of center, throw to the second arrow from right gutter and hook in to the pocket perfectly.  Other times, the ball will go dead straight.

If I adjust and move to the right of center and throw for the second arrow, same results.

I would like a ball with more consistent hook potential.  

To be brutally honest with you, there is no more reliable a hooking ball than the solid urethane. There are other brands than COlumbia, but, it does not make any difference. A solid urethane is as consistent a bowling ball as there was ever made.


Any tips on balls, or reading lane conditions would be really, really appreciated.  Thanks!

Frankly, the best suggestion I can make is to find a good, legitimate coach and take some lessons. If you have found the black Scout inconsistent, then do not buy any resin ball. Additionally, a high average bowler is unlikely to be good coach. A coach may not and probably is not a great bowler. It takes many abilities to be a good coach. Knowledge and the ability to easily communicate ideas in a common sense way are two of them, but bowling ability is not a prerequisite to be a good bowling coach. (A good coach may be a good bowler.)
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: New Ball/tips after 1st time in league
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2004, 09:54:27 PM »
dez -- Are you sure the ball is inconsistent, or are you running into different lane conditions?  If the times you are practicing vary (and possibly even if they don't), you could be running into lanes that have not been oiled yet that day or have just been oiled.  The difference between the two conditions can be startling, especially if a lot of games were bowled the night before, no ball is going to react the same.  Being able to adjust to varying lane conditions is part of becoming a good bowler.  --  JohnP


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Re: New Ball/tips after 1st time in league
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2004, 11:43:26 AM »
I think you're right about lane conditions.  I am having trouble adjusting to them - or even reading them.  I know the ball I have has a low hook potential but there are times when I have a nice hook into the pocket.

When the ball does not hook, I have trouble in that I try to force a hook, and I have trouble repositioning for the straighter ball.

I was wondering if a ball with greater hook potetial would help, or if it is just a question of learning to read lane conditions and adjusting.

And if it is the latter, how does one quickly determine lane conditions - and how to thropw a ball based on oily or dry conditions.


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Re: New Ball/tips after 1st time in league
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2004, 12:24:51 PM »
So, when I throw into the oil, I have less potential for hooking?  If I throw to an area btween the 1st and 2nd arrow if I should get the hook - if there is dry on the outside?  


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Re: New Ball/tips after 1st time in league
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2004, 12:41:45 PM »
Just keep practicing and work on those spares... make a majority of those spares and you should be in or around the 170-180 average, and they you can worry about other things.

Accuracy is very important.  (I still work on mine, only been bowling since jan, but i can hit just about anything now.)

BTW the arrows from the right gutter are numbered, 5, 10, 15 etc.  And the dots usually correspond with the arrows, or are one board off.  Once i began to understand that, i have become much more accurate with corner pins double wood's, and splits.

Good luck, practice and have fun.
AIM = y2moe99

Edited on 6/3/2004 12:41 PM


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Re: New Ball/tips after 1st time in league
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2004, 01:03:47 PM »
Dez I agree with Charlest you should seek out a good coach. I'm not sure what part of the country you are from, but if you are near the west coast I would highly recommend attending one of Ron Clifton's lessons this week.

There is much to learn about bowling in order to be good at it.

Let me know what city you live in and I will try to help find a good coach.


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Re: New Ball/tips after 1st time in league
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2004, 01:18:57 PM »
I'm In Belleville, NJ.


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Re: New Ball/tips after 1st time in league
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2004, 01:22:15 PM »
Charlest might be able to help, I think he is from that area and might know a good coach or two close to you. I will look farther myself.


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Re: New Ball/tips after 1st time in league
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2004, 01:40:56 PM »
I checked USA bowling on the find a coach search engine, and found a bunch of coaches in the New Jersey area, but as to weather any are good or not I'm not sure.

I have emailed Dr. Jeff Briggs, he is familliar with that area as well, and might be able to help.


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Re: New Ball/tips after 1st time in league
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2004, 01:51:34 PM »
Thanks, CoachJim  - any everyone - I really appreciate the replies and suggestions.