Ok, color change, and resin base change. Pearl in 90 days following up the first release! 😂😂
If you can't see it, you're daft. These companies copy cat each other to the max.
Never said anything about whether or not companies copycat eachother so not sure how that is relevant. The HB was not the first two piece ball. LOL. Its nearly impossible to have unique ideas in this industry anymore. We all know that.
The point is, you're claiming the balls are "same ball"...and they're not. If a PSO recommended those two as comparable, most in this forum would find that laughable. You probably would too.
We all know surface is most determining factor of ball motion...ok...so one is 1500 dull, the other is polished. Then coverstock absorption is also one of the most contributing factors so heres a solid heavy oil cover versus a medium/dry pearl cover (based on manufacturers recommended conditions). Then they would say well differential is next most contributing factor...and again, not similar at .041 vs .054.
But things that don't have a large impact on reaction, like color (which im not sure why you think gold and neon yellow are comparable?) and 2 piece construction are similar. So that makes the WHOLE concept of the ball the same? If that's the case, almost every ball on the market is as you said "same ball" because you can find similarities in every single ball out there.