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Author Topic: New Big B brands and a company comeback  (Read 8406 times)


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New Big B brands and a company comeback
« on: October 02, 2018, 04:34:10 PM »
Brunswick Fearless
Brunswick Tenacity Grit
DV8 Poison
DV8 Pitbull Bark
Radical Conspiracy
Radical Sizzle

Jet Raider X

These are now on the PDF format approved list but their drop down doesn't show any yet. IBB on Facebook got Japanese info for the Fearless and Tenacity



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Re: New Big B brands and a company comeback
« Reply #31 on: October 17, 2018, 09:29:49 AM »
The 14lb DV8 Poison vs 14lb HB is not even close with the diff.! I guess it's whether you like one company over the other! Just my $.02, Bruce

I agree. This ball looks to be way more ball than the HB - regardless of weight, but especially at 14lbs. I liked my HB, but it was ultimately too over/under for me. I ended up selling it to a friend since he kept saying he'd buy it if I ever got rid of it. I also have my Badger for sale. Ever worse than the HB with over/under. I tried different surfaces on both.

I might check this ball out. High RG and medium/high diff at 14lbs looks like a winner to me.


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Re: New Big B brands and a company comeback
« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2018, 02:39:20 PM »
Brunswick sure needs to do something different .... I used to be all about the Big B when it was the Infernos, Assm Zones, and the BVP stuff.  I couldn't ask for better equipment.

It seemed every ball I drilled after that series got progressively worse with 3 exceptions.  The Anaconda, Ultra Zone, and the red/black Nexxus were good for me.  The rest sucked.  C-Systems, Furys, ..... I gave up.

Out of curiosity I recently tried a Blue Flame Inferno (very good) and a Jade Quantum ( I should have got a free bowl of soup instead of a free bag with that one).  The Inferno was great but still going back to the heyday and no better than say a Storm SonIQ or Marvel Pearl. 

I will get a new Vapor Zone as I kept my original was past its expiration date.  GREAT BALL ... I hope the new one is as good.


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Re: New Big B brands and a company comeback
« Reply #33 on: November 08, 2018, 03:17:04 PM »
Brunswick sure needs to do something different .... I used to be all about the Big B when it was the Infernos, Assm Zones, and the BVP stuff.  I couldn't ask for better equipment.

It seemed every ball I drilled after that series got progressively worse with 3 exceptions.  The Anaconda, Ultra Zone, and the red/black Nexxus were good for me.  The rest sucked.  C-Systems, Furys, ..... I gave up.

Out of curiosity I recently tried a Blue Flame Inferno (very good) and a Jade Quantum ( I should have got a free bowl of soup instead of a free bag with that one).  The Inferno was great but still going back to the heyday and no better than say a Storm SonIQ or Marvel Pearl. 

I will get a new Vapor Zone as I kept my original was past its expiration date.  GREAT BALL ... I hope the new one is as good.

Reading through what you said, I think the Vapor Zone will be a good choice for you. With the balls that you have liked, I'd also suggest looking at the Cutting Edge Solid or Edge Pearl if you can find one.

Brunswick has changed quite a bit in the past few years. A lot of good stuff


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Re: New Big B brands and a company comeback
« Reply #34 on: November 08, 2018, 07:05:22 PM »
Yeah. Brunswick went through a pretty bad lull there for a while but their stuff (DV8 included) is good again. Like everybody else's. They slash and burn pretty quick though so you can find some nice closeout pricing most of the time on fairly recent releases.