Thanks for all of your opinions. What i'm having the most trouble on right now is reading the lanes from the first shot in practice, till the last shot of the tournament. I'm mostly talking about tournaments because that is where I am having most trouble (tournament patterns). My first game of the tournament is my worst game 90% of the time, and I rarely see 190+, but then after I see my ball reaction, and either move to the right part of the lane, or change balls, I usually go lights out, and recently, I miss the cut by 20-30 pins. I bowled in a tournament last weekend, and I went 142, changed balls and shot 254 199 219 and missed the cut by 28. I will start taking notes in practice, I work at a bowling alley, so I will start practicing on some of the different oil patterns we have on the machine and take notes on the patterns, and see how each ball reacts in comparison to each other.