I'm not convinced that bowling high in leagues means nothing.
It is a particular skill.
Just like if they opened up the pro tour fairways in golf (they average about 35 yards, move them to 50 yards!. John daly would win everything. He's long somewhat wild and has a great short game. He is a lot like the powerful house bowler.
I have talked a couple of times about the guy in our house who has had quite a few 800s and 300s this year. His speed and revs is a talent and his ability to carry is a talent and his speed also creates hold area for him on this highly reactive wet dry pattern all a certain set of talents.
In the same league we have a bowler averaging about 10 lower just under 220.
He has the perfect game for all the patterns(maybe a tougher time on pattern B). Think Dave Davis on the right!
He can stretch the ball to the breakpoint with real good speed and extension, can use particles on patterns where the heads are dryer than when other bowlers have to put them up and then get the advantage of less overunder at the back!
This guy in his second regional showed up unprepared, (unapproved wrist brace) and had to bowl without one for first time in several years. Still hung around in 6th place for a while. He will be a very effective senior regional player an maybe compete well on the senior national tour.
Will he outaverage the above bowler Mr. 800 - 300 on the house shot above, no!
Will Mr. 800 300 on our league shots outaverage him on a PBA pattern,(I don't think so).
Who's better? Where?
Why do we demean the power bowler today! (ps, I'm not one).
In golf it would be that we would only admire golfers who are good at the US open or on 20 yard fairways. Right now in pro bowling the only game in town is total accuracy and breakpoint control. Power in general is out!
Good for the game???

I know many an observer of bowling that misses some of the more powerful releases!
I love to watch the guy in my league throw an 800!
PS there seems to be a disdain by high power bowlers for themselves any more.
Ie who wants to have 17 300s in a season!? I would! Just like Blondes want to be Brunettes and Brunettes want to be blond. I notice the league stars are all complaining about there accomplishments. Now everyone wants to be Mika or Walter Ray.
PPS Thank god Golf is smart enough to put out different patterns(courses).
Courses for the bomber and courses tighter for the straighty! Of course just like Bowling the courses are becoming both tighter AND Longer.
Edited on 5/7/2004 5:36 AM