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Author Topic: High Rev and Speed bowlers getting a Pocket 7 - 10. Is it too hard of a hit.  (Read 4528 times)

trash heap

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I had someone explain to me that they left four 7-10 splits and the explanation was they hit the pocket too hard.


Is that the issue now for high rev and high speed bowlers? If they throw it too hard its a solid pocket hit they are going to leave 7-10 splits?



Talkin' Trash!



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Usually when I see or leave a 7-10 its because of a weaker hit.  The ball has actually begun to roll out and doesn't go through the pins properly, leaving a weak 10 with the 7 pin.  Very rarely do I see a "wrap" 7-10 because the ball hit too hard.  It's a bad break and hopefully the 5 or the head pin will get the 7, or sometimes you scout the 10 only leaving the 7.  Majority of the time its because the ball doesn't have enough energy going through the pin deck.

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What I see is a ball that is still in the hook phase trying to get back to the pocket from deeper angles. It is a blower 7 type of hit where the headpin goes in front of the 7 while at the same time, because the ball isn't rolling, it deflects off the headpin and leaves a weak 10.


Definitely not too hard of a hit in my opinion. Now, a 7-9 split (righties) on the other hand is. Usually combined with a ball location in the pocket that is slightly high.




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I agree with the above statements.  Most often I leave 7-10s due to a weaker hit.  Blower 7-10s I can't remember.

Though, I did leave a couple pretty solid 7-10s due to a off-spot 2 pin.  I was coming in from a deeper angle (18-7) and nothing got to the 7 while a messenger missed the 10.  Left 2 in one game.  Could have been a pin-spot issues also.

I am not a pro-bowler, but I do play one on


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I have no idea of the cause of leaving 7 - 10 splits and I seldom eve get one but once in a while I do, maybe one every 2-3 months..... However, Tuesday of last week in league, in the second game I left "three" 7 -10 splits all in one game all of which looked like strike pocket hits when the ball entered the pocket. It was definitely not from hitting too hard as I have slower speed in the 15 mph range and revs on the low side of medium.


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I have seen both! More usually it is because of loss of energy, however last night I got one that blew my mind because it most certainly was not from loss of energy. I set the ball down in the hold area, that had the most oil. The ball had good pace on it (faster than I normally throw it) with a decent amount of revs. It hit like a bomb! I just knew I had a strike,,,,but had a blower 7 pin and a wrap ten pin that just kept rocking but never fell!

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Most of my pocket 7-10`s are the result of my ball hitting weak, but every once in a while I willhave a solis pocket hit like last Saturday when I had both the 7 & 10 rocking but stay up.


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The majority of 7/10's that I have left in my lifetime are due to pulling the shot a board left into the carry down of the "second arrow" league bowlers and while the ball has plenty of hook and pace, it hits flat because the ball just never gets into a roll.


I've never thrown a 7/10 due to a ball burning out or losing energy, what does that look like in terms of pin action?


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Pocket 7-10 is almost always the result of excessive entry angle on a light hit combined with loss of rotational energy ( roll out ).  Modern balls react so strongly to friction that they can create a steep entry angle before they lose roll out.