I could see you going with a 4 ball arsenal here.
Heavy: Columbia 300 Wicked Encounter or VG Nano
Medium-Heavy: Columbia 300 Action Packed (your most consistent)
Medium: 900 Global Break Point Pearl
Light: Storm Frantic
Now, the Medium and Light choices made here may have to have slight surface changes made in order to fit better. It will all depend on how you may have these drilled. On paper, the Break Point Pearl is supposed to be stronger than the Frantic, but it's fairly close.
As for the heavy, the Wicked Encounter should give you a little more length than the Nano, but will be fairly angular too. When I had my Nano, I noticed that it would be more angular than some solids and it took several surface changes for me to get it working. I'd drill up the Wicked Encounter first, and compare it to your Nano to make the decision.