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Author Topic: New Chameleon  (Read 2048 times)


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New Chameleon
« on: June 19, 2009, 04:29:09 AM »
hey, i was just wondering on the differences people saw on the new chameleon, im bowling on it monday and just wondering what differences i'll see. im on brunswick sythentics and i used my virtual up 2-3 on scorpion just for reference, im low rev low tracker
Storm Virtual Gravity
Morich Awesome Finsih
Brunswick Avalanche Solid
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Edited on 6/19/2009 12:29 PM



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Re: New Chameleon
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2009, 02:19:15 PM »
We hit Chameleon the first two weeks this summer. The lane surface is Brunswick Anvilane which I've been told is a hard surface. The league is a doubles format, 6 games each week, switching pairs after 3 games.

Both myself and my doubles partner saw serious out of bounds outside of 5 board. We both started about 15 out to 10 throwing Virtual Gravity's and moved in from there. This was the best look either of us had but we both averaged in the mid 180's for the 12 games we bowled on it. Some people seemed to have better success going fairly straight up 7-8. I saw way too much over/under with anything I threw straight out there but if you play straighter that could work for you. I had a tough time reading the break point on this pattern and never felt comfortable on it. Compared to the old Chameleon I had to throw balls that hooked more and got into a heavy roll. To me the old pattern had a more defined break point and was easier to read.

We've bowled on Chameleon, Scorpion and Viper so far and both of us agree that Chameleon was by far the toughest one of them. To put that into context my doubles partner averaged 219 on both Scorpion and Viper and I've been over 200 on both as well.

Edited on 6/19/2009 2:25 PM


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Re: New Chameleon
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2009, 02:46:32 PM »
That's really odd. I bowled our first 2 weeks on CHameleon and what I saw was completely different from what al_g saw.


I bowled on AnvilLanes at Carolier. I used a 4000 grit Twisted Fury solid with a slight swing of 10 out to 8 board the first week. The 2nd week I used 2 milder balls, both medium, one a solid and one a particle pearl and played further outside, going up the 5 board, more or less. There seemed to be no out of bounds outside. In fact, except for very little room for error, 1+ board left and right, it seemed like a heavy house pattern.

I don't know if ours, at Carolier, was THE Chameleon or al_g's was the right version. I am puzzled.

FYI Oh, they also told us the new patterns are all 2 ft. longer than least year's PBA patterns.
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Edited on 6/19/2009 2:47 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: New Chameleon
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2009, 04:01:04 PM »

That is interesting. Our Scorpion played closer to how you said your Chameleon played. Scorpion played like a heavy house shot playing around the track area and then moving in from there but keeping the breakpoint in the track area or just outside of that as it opened up. I threw a Cell, Virtual and Shift on that. My teammate switched between a pin down and pin up Virtual.

Since we're on the same lane surface the difference could be in oils used, how they strip, the weather or some other factors. I heard through the grapevine that they use the heaviest/thickest oil on the market. The lanes are in the basement of a mall and it's been very humid down there all summer. In my experience humidity or rain tend to make shots play a little wetter than normal too.


Edited on 6/19/2009 4:02 PM


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Re: New Chameleon
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2009, 04:08:58 PM »
I have bowled on the older and newer Chameleon at the same house.  On the older one, I was able to take my heavy oiler and roll it up right up 3/4/5 and be close to the pocket.  On the newer one, I was more like 5/6/7, but same idea.  But I also noticed if I missed right, it was a solid 3 count, so there was definitely an out of bounds on the newer one.
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Some stayed in the foothills, some washed logs like teeth.
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Re: New Chameleon
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2009, 04:10:03 PM »

Yes, humidity can make them play like heavier oil, BUT it won't make an OOB where there is (or should be) dry.

ALso our AnvilLanes are 8+ years old. We bowl "upstairs". Our "downstairs" has a basement below it and it is said that the humidity from the basement makes downstairs play like a slightly heavier oil. It does play slicker than upstairs. Many environmental factors come into play. (I won't even get into how humidity affects our synthetic approaches. )

Well, Monday is our last Cheetah and the following week starts our Scorpion. I suppose ours will have an out of bounds.
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"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: New Chameleon
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2009, 04:12:30 PM »
I have bowled on the older and newer Chameleon at the same house.  On the older one, I was able to take my heavy oiler and roll it up right up 3/4/5 and be close to the pocket.  On the newer one, I was more like 5/6/7, but same idea.  But I also noticed if I missed right, it was a solid 3 count, so there was definitely an out of bounds on the newer one.
Proud Supporter of Rob Stone
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Some stayed in the foothills, some washed logs like teeth.


Now between what you said and what Al said, it makes me wonder if we had gotten the Scorpion instead of the Chameleon pattern. Our Chameleon had no out of bounds.
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Re: New Chameleon
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2009, 04:19:40 PM »
I have bowled on the older and newer Chameleon at the same house.  On the older one, I was able to take my heavy oiler and roll it up right up 3/4/5 and be close to the pocket.  On the newer one, I was more like 5/6/7, but same idea.  But I also noticed if I missed right, it was a solid 3 count, so there was definitely an out of bounds on the newer one.
Proud Supporter of Rob Stone
Obviously, you aren't a golfer.
Some stayed in the foothills, some washed logs like teeth.


Now between what you said and what Al said, it makes me wonder if we had gotten the Scorpion instead of the Chameleon pattern. Our Chameleon had no out of bounds.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

It's definitely possible - to me both the Scorpion and Chameleon played VERY similar, with the same ball and ball speed, it was just one I could play a tug, and the other I could play a "bounce."  Remember, bounce on PBA patterns is missing a half board outside, lol.
Proud Supporter of Rob Stone
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Some stayed in the foothills, some washed logs like teeth.
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Re: New Chameleon
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2009, 06:15:42 PM »
k lol sounds scary lol. im gonna try up 3 with my virtual because im most comfortable out there, i know sounds wierd but outside of 5 im most accurate, and i'll adjust from there, i might use my avalanche solid also because its polished and has a really quick response to friction with my release and it should give me some good angle.
Storm Virtual Gravity
Morich Awesome Finsih
Brunswick Avalanche Solid
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Re: New Chameleon
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2009, 10:02:46 PM »
k lol sounds scary lol. im gonna try up 3 with my virtual because im most comfortable out there, i know sounds wierd but outside of 5 im most accurate, and i'll adjust from there, i might use my avalanche solid also because its polished and has a really quick response to friction with my release and it should give me some good angle.

Good luck. Let us know if you have an out of bounds or not on your Chameleon, lol.


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Re: New Chameleon
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2009, 10:58:20 PM »
k lol sounds scary lol. im gonna try up 3 with my virtual because im most comfortable out there, i know sounds wierd but outside of 5 im most accurate, and i'll adjust from there, i might use my avalanche solid also because its polished and has a really quick response to friction with my release and it should give me some good angle.

Good luck. Let us know if you have an out of bounds or not on your Chameleon, lol.
lol i will
Storm Virtual Gravity
Morich Awesome Finsih
Brunswick Avalanche Solid
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Re: New Chameleon
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2009, 12:09:51 AM »
Hey guys, quick update.  I bowled in my weekly PBAx league at Howell Lanes on the new Chameleon.  Here, I started out playing right up 5 and it was pretty over/under.  So what I did was move right and did a 2 & 1 adjustment, and it really blended that over/under and gave me a great look until the lanes started breaking down.  But there was a huge out of bounds probably outside of 3 for me.  If I hit there abouts, it was a lovely 6 count.  For other players, if they inched it right just a BIT, it was gone.  I saw good amount of gutter balls for those who were trying to belly it out.
Proud Supporter of Rob Stone
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Some stayed in the foothills, some washed logs like teeth.
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Re: New Chameleon
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2009, 06:48:48 AM »
Hi Steve,

I wonder if you guys had/got the Chameleon pattern, because I don't think it has an out of bounds to start with. Sunday I watched the finals of a PBA Regional at Howell using the Viper pattern. It was as hard as the US Open. People like Patrick Allen, Michael Fagan and Parker Bohn had literally one board to hit. So I'm wondering if they reset the oil machine.

I shot the Chameleon at Carolier 2 and 3 weeks ago and we had no OOB. The book thay handed out showed the pattern and it also seems to show no OOB, at least to start with. (It can be created by play later on.)

!st week I played down the 8 board with a Twisted Fury Solid @P3000 grit.
2nd week I played down 5th baord with a Motiv SX-1, as the book recommended (medium to mild ball, down the outside).

Tell Joe Schuld I said hello.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 6/23/2009 6:51 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: New Chameleon
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2009, 10:58:20 AM »
Yeah, I heard the regional played really really hard.  I know that the two weeks our league did the Viper pattern, guys were right up the gutter.  One bowler who is both in the PBAx league and did the regional said the Viper played insanely different in the tournament than in league.

I honestly think the lane surfaces are playing the patterns a bit tighter - out of the 50-some odd bowlers in the league, there's barely a 200 average which surprises me because we have a handful of guys who play regionals consistently.  

And I wonder if the machine Howell uses can't lay down the pattern as well as whatever the PBA uses.  It probably still has a 2:1 ratio or whatever it is, but I think it has trouble with volumes.  I can literally camp out in the same spot with the same ball all 5 games.  So that right there tells you something is up, I just don't know what.
Proud Supporter of Rob Stone
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Some stayed in the foothills, some washed logs like teeth.
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Re: New Chameleon
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2009, 12:57:07 PM »
i was working on my game, my rev-rate dropped(which is hard to believe lol) but i was a bit more accurate and had better roll, i couldnt be outside of 5, it just hung. i moved in and went 15-12 and smashed pocket if i hit it
168-218-168 lol. first game i struck on left lane, but would go washout on right lane due to me throwing it like crap. make the 1-2-4-6-10 and took the 1 and 10 out of the 1-2-10 with the ball lol. 218 i got dialed in, and the last game i ran into a transition and went either 4 pin, moved a board left and went 2-4-5 twice and i missed em both . i usually dont suck that much at spares.
Storm Virtual Gravity
Morich Awesome Finsih
Brunswick Avalanche Solid
Track Equation