That's really odd. I bowled our first 2 weeks on CHameleon and what I saw was completely different from what al_g saw.
I bowled on AnvilLanes at Carolier. I used a 4000 grit Twisted Fury solid with a slight swing of 10 out to 8 board the first week. The 2nd week I used 2 milder balls, both medium, one a solid and one a particle pearl and played further outside, going up the 5 board, more or less. There seemed to be no out of bounds outside. In fact, except for very little room for error, 1+ board left and right, it seemed like a heavy house pattern.
I don't know if ours, at Carolier, was THE Chameleon or al_g's was the right version. I am puzzled.
FYI Oh, they also told us the new patterns are all 2 ft. longer than least year's PBA patterns.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
Edited on 6/19/2009 2:47 PM