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Author Topic: Suddenly I'm better...  (Read 1559 times)


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Suddenly I'm better...
« on: October 14, 2003, 11:37:42 PM »
229 average over 4 weeks, up a mysterious 51 pins in average.  

Despite starting off just terrible this year, I’ve picked up and I’m currently averaging 229 over my last 12 games.  I’m finally regaining some confidence. The reason, more oil is being laid down.  Suddenly, I’ve gone from being totally clueless to being totally locked in the strike zone.  Not only locked in, but ripping the rack time and time again when I go a little light. Many times I must play inside to find enough oil, but at least there is some oil.  It is making all the difference in the world.  Last night I shot 235,267,246=748.  I had a chance for 300 and an 800 series up to the 7th frame of the last game. That series followed other decent nights.  Those bowlers with no hand struggled as the way it should be.  Those who have worked to develop heavy rotation should be rewarded, not lower average bowlers who can suddenly hook the ball due to dry lanes.  Dry lanes in many cases will negate the skill level of the higher average bowler.  Suddenly, the higher average bowler can begin to bowl bad time and time again after continuously bowling below his/her potential as it happened to me.  When a lower average bowler is suddenly striking and the higher average bowler is lost, something is wrong and it isn’t the higher average bowler is getting worse and the lower average bowler is getting better.

I began to talk to some of the other bowlers last night and both those on my team and the opposing team saw it very plainly that I need OIL.  Unlike those on this board who have never seen me bowl, they all agree that I simply get too much on the ball (despite a lower ball speed 15-16 mph to keep what accuracy I have, not that I can’t throw it harder) to bowl well on bone dry lanes.  

Those of you that responded “suck it up” and “adjust” and so on for those bone dry lanes I discussed, really don’t understand that it’s the maintenance man that determines your score.  I don’t think you know as much as you think you do.  Bowlers bowl well on certain conditions and struggle on others.  If that weren’t the case we would see the same bowler winning week after week and last time I checked even Walter Ray Williams didn’t win last week.  He’s the closest thing to what you guys are thinking every bowler should be like.  That just isn’t reality.  For a league situation to be fair, OIL should be laid down.  It rewards the person who has worked hard on his/her game.

I think I’ve made my point.  While I’m no Robert Smith or a pro bowler, I do know when it is a terrible condition (or none at all) and NOT me. My point is, I'm still the same bowler I was 5-6 weeks ago, I didn't get any better.
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  



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Re: Suddenly I'm better...
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2003, 02:44:21 PM »
We are all only as good as the lane man let's us be.

The Hose

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Re: Suddenly I'm better...
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2003, 03:18:15 PM »
Go to the laneman and thank him.  You don't raise your average 51 sticks without his help.  I'm sure your a good bowler, but you need toface the facts.  I'm averaging 230 in my house for the year.  Why?  THS!  As a lefty, I'm seeing the same shot day after day.  I've used a different ball every week in order to give me a little different look but I still have hold inside and recovery if I miss out.  I'm not a 230 average bowler on a "true" shot.  I have bowled regionals I do know the difference.  

Bottom line...Go thank the lane man

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Re: Suddenly I'm better...
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2003, 04:05:55 PM »
bennet i highly disagree with you on everything.

You should be able to bowl on any lane conditions rather dry or 60 feet of oil. You wont be top guy all the time, but you should at least do average on any condition, thats if you think your good. However I suck. So it dosnt matter to me. But everything about hi rev players should be rewarded or whatever, complete bs.
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The Hose

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Re: Suddenly I'm better...
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2003, 04:08:36 PM »
duda, what are you talking about?  I never said a thing about this cat's bowling, nor did I analyze his bowling.  I stated a fact, you don't jump 51 pins in a couple of weeks without help from the laneman.  

If you don't believe that, I'll make a wager with you.  Let me send his laneman instructions on running a pattern and I'll bet you any amount of money the the guy can't shoot 650.  

He has more oil?  Thank the laneman.  He has more area to miss?  Thank the laneman.


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Re: Suddenly I'm better...
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2003, 04:09:34 PM »

I don't carry as well if I take something off the ball.  Also, I'm so used to the wrist snapping like a yo-yo, that when I throw a strike I do it so automatic.  The only time I don't snap is when I shoot my 10 pins or when I want to go straight at something.  If I see I don't have a chance of getting my ball to the pocket, I try to take some hand off the shot.  But, typically I don't bowl as well because I'm not getting the carry.  On certain conditions it will work, but that is usually when I'm playing up the boards which would make sense if you're not throwing the bigger hook with revs.  


I felt like a lefty for a change.  I only had to move 3-4 boards left the whole night and that put me right against the ball return.  The reason is because I was the only one on both teams playing that shot.  Nobody else throws enough ball to play that line.  I can see myself averaging 220-230 if I have that same shot day in and day out the whole year, but I'm not counting on it.  That would be too good to be
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  


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Re: Suddenly I'm better...
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2003, 04:33:08 PM »
I just can’t help myself.

I’m averaging 236 over the last 12 games! Is it me or did I just become that good?

I think it is a combination of several factors:

1- Typical league shot night after night.
2- I’ve worked hard over the past few months on my technique.
3- I match my speed, rev rate, ball surface, entry angle up to the lanes.
4- I do thank the lane man.

I’m more of a tweener,  but just because a person can REV up the ball doesn’t make him a better bowler or more deserving than the one who can’t. We all can’t be like Robert Smith now can we?

I applaud you in scoring well. Just don’t get upset when the shot changes and you are the one that isn’t matching up to it.

My wrist brace is just like my RADAR detector, I really don't need it but it sure makes me feel better when I have it on.
(Airborne Army 1SG all the way)


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Re: Suddenly I'm better...
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2003, 12:48:08 PM »
Those of you that responded “suck it up” and “adjust” and so on for those bone dry lanes I discussed, really don’t understand that it’s the maintenance man that determines your score. I don’t think you know as much as you think you do. Bowlers bowl well on certain conditions and struggle on others.

Bennett: What's sad here is that after everything that's been posted, you still don't understand the message many here have conveyed to you. Of course we understand that the laneman determines scoring. That's a given. The variable is how we, as bowlers, react to what's on the lane. Being a real bowler is not about crying for the condition that provides for the highest scores -- it's about adjusting to the best of our abilities to whatever is out there. It doesn't matter that the "best" might be 30-40 pins below your cake condition scoring. That happens to all of us here, and certainly your opponents are facing the same challenges too.

It about attitude and developing mental toughness. I'm glad you're bowling better with more oil, but we all do much better, with little challenge, on our respective preferred conditions.

Ultimately, you have to decide if you want to be a bowler, or continue to be someone who just happens to bowl. There are fundamental differences between to two groups, and the first step toward progress is understanding what they are.    


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