Ok this has to do with the plastic ball tourney.
1st lane one comes out with the XXXL and advertised it as plastic with a
real core.
2nd all the Lane #1 bashers came out of the woodwork.
"You guys are nuts I will NOT pay $125 for a plastic ball"
"There cannot be that much difference."
"There is NO WAY a plastic ball can hit that hard."
3rd Now all these lane #1 bashers are bawling and whining
because they want the XXXL banned from tourney play at this
particular tournament. WHY?
that the XXXL hits harder than any plastic ball ever made.
When the hell are these guys going to get a job and quit
bashing us that are willing to pay a SMALL SMALL premium
for balls that are AT LEAST 2 times as good as the same line
of stuff from other companies. That would put Lane #1 C core
at the same level as the Xfactors and the bomb core at something still
in development for the next ball O' the month manufacturer to bring out only to discontinue a month and a half later when "something SPECATULAR" comes out of
so and so's R&D projects......
Saws are made to cut ANYTHING including 10 pins